
Jan 03, 2006 17:17

Relationships have been an issue on my mind for a while now. I suppose seeing how there is nothing at norris going on and I'm done with college stuff its a better time to think of it that during say tech week.
I suppose this is my attempt to more or less try to “un-jade” myself to what has been going on recently. It seems that now everyone is in a relationship, well besides me, vic the ever single guy. And by single I mean not in a relationship. But more and more I have been questioning what actually is a relationship, I mean more and more it seems that its a if you make out with the person your in a relationship. Everyone out of high school always says that yeah hs relationships are bull shit. I always thought that maybe some aren't, maybe there are some that aren't so shallow. More and more though this seems not the case. A female friend of mine was talking to me about her present boyfriend (cue spot over his head) and how their relationship wasn't doing so hot and how she was thinking of breaking up with him. Well later on that night she tells me that she changed her mind about him. What was the reason that she changed her mind? Was is that they found a new deep connection, nope its that he suddenly was more aggressive sexually with her. Someone else once commented that she thought that a relationship a friend of mine was in was a joke and really nothing more then friends who go to dances together, simply because they had yet to kiss.
So is this really all that high school relationships are, just a fancy name for friends with benefits? I suppose this is just this is just naive me talking but I always wanted a relationship that was based on a shared caring for each other. Is it really possible that no in our school knows the difference between the word “love” and the word “lust”?
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