Nov 13, 2007 22:02
So this and my myspace blog are pretty much the same sometimes. well... not really. but this is. a series of unrelated sketches. see where it goes? enjoy and digest. Detest and expose.
Sketch 01
He strolled right out of the room and out onto the street, feeling an electricity previously unknown. Brisk was a calm breeze hinting at the approach of winter, and the red leaves of autumn threatened to shower the streets and passersby with every rustle of the leaves. Smoke loomed deliciously around the Italian restaurant on the corner, and the ancient neighborhood breathed a beautiful wind right into his lungs.
"This is the new life. This is what I've been waiting for," he thought hopefully as he travelled homewards and forwards into the future. He could feel the warmth of his freshly laundered clothes on his belly, and enjoyed the warmth it gave him, and the yearning for cigarettes it invoked. The smell of clean fabric wafting upwards past his face into the heavens and mixing with the wild scents of autumn on Lake Erie, struggling to stay important while conforming to the flows and currents of the night sky.