May 05, 2005 10:37
So yeah. Last day of kickboxing today. Fucking weak. Well, it wasn’t REALLY the last day actually- we have the ‘final’ next Tuesday. Aaron keeps trying to make a huge deal out of it- going to test us on this and this and this and the final will be worth 25% of our grade and blah blah. I’m not too worried about it- haven’t missed any classes and I picked up on everything okay so whatever.
Today we did instructor evaluations, went for our run, pushups, abs, blah blah, then we just had to get with a partner and work on whatever we felt like working on the entire time. This would have been hardcore if teresa were here, but she was out for some reason. So I had to go with my old crappy partner- her name is carley- and of course didn’t even know how to hold the pads right. So it wasn’t the greatest work out. But shit happens I guess- wasn’t all that broken up about it.
After class I went and talked to aaron and asked him if we could retake the class for credit bc I’ve been hearing strange rumors about this. And he said they’re having a big old meeting next Tuesday to discuss drastically limiting the number of credits that sports and rec classes can count for letters and science majors. (obviously my major- English- is in the letters and science department) so this is actually a really big deal- if these classes don’t count no one’s going to take them and the instructors are out of a job. He said I obviously can’t go to the meeting because it takes place during this class, but to watch out for an email about it and to respond and raise kind of a ruckus in a letter. Now probably not everyone here will agree with this, but I really really think the upward limit on sports and rec classes should be pretty high. First of all, we have to take all these credits for our major and minor, we have to take all our general education requirements to kind of round out our education, then letters and science majors have to get a certain number of credits that satisfies the international requirement. So why the fuck shouldn’t whatever credits we have left go towards sports and rec? some of those classes are fucking sweet. I dunno if I’d really get into a bowling or water aerobics class, but they also have very practical things like healthy cooking, bicycle repair and maintenance, relaxation techniques, sewing, and all the exercise classes obviously. So what the fuck. Sometimes I think people in general skimp too much on these basic skills, that, if they take the time and effort to learn them, will come in handy sooner or later. I would rather learn to lower my blood pressure through breathing techniques or whatever, than learning calc really well. Or something. And I’m not knocking any other classes or anything. I’m just saying. There are very practical reasons for learning these skills. And I know there are other non school classes that teach them. But seriously. Who’s going to go out of their way to take a sewing class just for the hell of it? But when it’s for college it suddenly makes good sense. So I think it would be fucking weak if they cut them down.
Anyway, there’s that. Turns out I wont be able to take summer classes at all bc I got no where near the amount of financial aid I’d need to even break even, let alone give me financial support. Was kind of expecting it, so whatever. Next step is to find an additional summer job, which I’m thrilled about of course. Nothing more fun than filling out job applications and all. Anyway, I digress. So I was talking to aaron about all this and he said, you know, he does like to get together with people over the summer and work out just for the sake of working out. Bc not everyone can afford to keep taking classes and working out really IS better in a group so he’s always trying to get people together to kind of continue the class outside of school. Fuckin a. any ideas how sweet an idea this is for me? Seriously, I cannot stress how much this working out has improved my quality of life the last few months. And now that these classes are coming to an end I’m paranoid I’m not going to do it anymore. It’s so hard to motivate yourself and so easy to give up when you’re not around other people who are doing the same thing. Why? Once again, our biological set up. Humans are designed to do everything they can to conserve calories- it’s natural for us to want to eat all food in sight and move around as little as possible. This is, of course, dating back to our caveman days when we’d burn more calories than we consumed more often than not, and died early of malnutrition. Obviously this is not an issue for us anymore so I wish there was some way to reprogram ourselves or something. That would be sweet. Anyway, back to the point. It’s hard to motivate ourselves to work out. So I expressed interest to aaron about this idea and he said we’ll be in touch about it. I hope teresa goes for it too. He said let everyone else know that I think would be interested too- so yeah >coughcough<, lemme know if youre interested. :-D good times would be had. I’m all worried that I won’t go through with it though- aaron’s level of fitness is obviously waaaaaayyyyy above my own, and probably anyone else who’d be into the idea would be way more in shape than me too. Would be only too easy to feel like too much of a fatty to actually be okay with exercising with all these buff people. So yeah, sure could use encouragement here.
Like I said, this is the best thing I’ve done for myself in a long long time. Exercise is not ‘shallow’ or ‘superficial.’ Far too little emphasis is placed on it- guarantee people would be performing better in work and school if there were regular exercise routines involved. Gym should be every single day in elementary school- not just one day a week. And battleball should only be a very small part of it. This is why I hated gym my whole life. I’m not athletic, have no coordination, and don’t appreciate kick balls hitting me in the face. But I do enjoy physical activities otherwise. I prob would have appreciated this stuff a whole lot earlier in life if we’d actually done cool things in gym back in the day. All I know is that I feel better physically and emotionally and have not even had a headcold since October. not to mention the effects it's had on my confidence level and self-esteem. It’s a win-win situation. I just hope I never forget it.