Changing my Pharmacy

Jul 30, 2007 11:45

I went to the Pharmacy today to get my prescription filled for my jaw. After waiting in line forever with little ones giving me weird looks and pointing, I finally got to the counter only to come face to face with a woman that looked oddly familiar. Letting it go, I just stated my last name so I could get back home and eat my liquid lunch. She just looked at me and said, "You're the chili Guy aren't you?" Chili Guy? What the Hell? Then I noticed the same cross necklace around her neck and just lightly nodded. "What happened?", "I fell." I wanted to GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE. "You're not the most graceful thing are you? Don't worry, I find it kindof cute."
...Jesus Christ. I then just grabbed my bottle and started to walk away only forgetting my receipt on the counter. "Um, Gaaaaabbbbbeeee? Your receipt is still here." I wanted to kill her. Not just a figure of speech either, I wanted to tackle her, mangle her face like mine, shove that receipt down her damn throat, only to stand back and admire the work I've done while she's choking to death.
Instead I just walked up there and snatched my receipt. "Hey, wanna get together sometime? I'd like to get to know you." I just looked at her. "No, I'm atheist." The look of shock on her face brought me great joy as I left. Even though I'm not atheist.
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