(no subject)

Oct 17, 2004 17:44

so i finally got 2 play in the game on friday against canton instead of my usual sitting on the bench so i was kinda happy..and i did pretty well so hopefully i will be able 2 play again....because there was a certain someone that took my place which i mean i was doin bad so w/e...then on saturday it was amazing cause i got 2 get up on a saturday at 630 cause i got 2 go take the psats...WOO HOOOOO! ya it was the GAYEST thing ive ever done in my life...i failed it sooo bad but at least i no i got a 200 cause i wrote my name but actually i wouldnt count on it cause it was wayyy 2 early so i could have fucked that up 2 and then my stomach was like growling throughout the whole thing cause i was sooo hungry and then i went 2 go get a manicure with manda and then we went back 2 her house and watched the sox loooooose omg that was the worst game ive ever seen ahh it was horrible and then i got all depressedbecause i found out something but i dont wana reveal too much cause u neva no whos reading but im gona try not to let it bother me but it just really sucks!!! like i no it was a lie im not stupid!!! ya so ne ways..:-(

today let me remind u it was sunday i got 2 get up at 6 30 AGAIN! to go walk for titties haha actually it was the breat cancer walk and i had 2 go with the volleyball team...it was pretty fun but it was really really really COLD OUT i was freezing basically it was me SASSSA manda jane and gina we were all walking together the whole time and made fun of weird ppl the whole time then once the walk was over they had free snacks so me and sarah(sasssa) took advantage of that FREE part and came back with our hands full of food and drinks but some of them werent really that good but o0o well wat do u expect for free food lol...then when we came back my mom picked sasssa jane manda and me up and we went 2 mcdonalds we got big macs cause we were craving it and then we went 2 the purse party that toms mom was hosting..it was sickkk nastyyyyy i got a coach bag with its matching wallet and then i got a burberry bag 2 and it was wicked cool so i made my mom book a party that im gona host at my house on december 2nd...i think its a thursday lemme no if ya wana come it will b at like 6 ish i think...

ne ways so now im here doing this and i havent started ne of my homework and i really dont wana do it but w/e i dont care


<33 STACY!
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