currently eating sugarfree butterscotch pudding, and fucking around on the internet looking at livejournals. it is interesting to notice that there seems to exists two categories of journal: those who have nothing to do, and thus have nothing to say, and those who are so productive that it's exhaustive just to read their journals. if nothing else, livejournal is good at making me think i should be doing something more with myself.
that is the same feeling i had thursday night. the evens played at a little art gallery around the corner. boy was it weird seeing ian mackaye sitting right in front of me. he had a huge scar across his left knee and a scab on his right. amy, the drummer, had thin, sinewy arms. both she and ian were wearing non-leather shoes. i watched a dancing guy's reflection in the windows behind the band, and amy looked up and smiled a broad grin upon seeing the dancing man. i was thinking that if i were a musician, there would be no better compliment than sincere dancers in the audience. i liked the evens so much that i am thinking about traveling to see them again.
summer camp started today with the 4 & 5 year olds. it was as bad as i remember. i much prefer the older kids. 3 of the 12 children seem to have emotional problems. it's going to be a long week.
my summer has had a non-productive start. i've started reading 3 books, but finished none. my apartment is nominally cleaner than a month ago. i have not embarked on any creative projects. generally, i come home, watch t.v., and sleep. reading bigraoul's post tonight about t.v. makes me think i should designate a much smaller amount of time to such a useless hobby.
as i was falling asleep the other night, i was grateful that both of my ferrets seem to be in good health. snicky's prognosis gave her roughly a year to live after her surgery, and i am thankful for every moment with that innocent, loveable little critter.