Picture Challenge 21;

Dec 03, 2011 15:50

Image chosen by littlblackghost

REMEMBER! You can take the image literally or metaphorically, use the landscape, colours, how the image makes you feel - anything. It's all about what inspires you :) So just run with it and have fun!

+ Fiction must be a minimum of 500 words.
+ Both slash and general allowed.
+ AU, Crack!fic etc allowed.
+ No bitching, hating, flaming etc etc.

Please post using the usual format:

Title: Name of the fic
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, Ray/Bob, Mikey/Ray etc
Rating: NC17, R, PG13, G
Warning: Violence, drug use, non-consensual sex, incest, character death, cutting, adult themes, language, sex, etc
Disclaimer: I don't own them etc.
Summary: A brief explanation about the story
Challenge Number:


Story etc

You have until the 26th to complete this challenge.
Voting runs from the 27th - 30th.

Any other questions/problems please either PM me or e-mail me at: lover_of_alex@hotmail.com with the subject Picture This MCR


picture challenge 21

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