I was gonna make a joke about making my annual LJ post, but then I checked and it's actually been about 3 years since my last post. Oop.
So, uh, I don't really have an excuse for these abominations, other than the fact that I love both *NSYNC and Sailor Moon. I'm not entirely happy with JC-Mercury and Lance-Venus, in regards to characterization at least, but I did try swapping them and I wasn't really feeling it.
My first attempt at drawing the guys, mostly trying to figure out their faces in my "style" (aka pseudo anime). Maybe kind of a weird thing, but I like the variety of their faces. I like their noses especially, haha. The three J's got some honkers on them, Lance is kind of beaky, and Chris' is kind of bulbous from the front but sorta cute and pixie-ish in 3/4 and profile.
The half-assed face studying also came in handy when it came to making the guys in Tomodachi Life. This game is the cutest though, for real.
There was a limited palette thing going around on Tumblr for a while and I wanted to try it out. I will be the first to say I have no idea what I'm doing, but I like the end results. For whatever reason, Chris always comes out hella anime when I draw him. Also, Chris and Justin are darling nerds I love them. Justin dedicated "Gone" to Chris during one of his concerts a couple months back and I'm still not over it. (ノ⊙ヮ⊙)ノ
An attempt was made at sorting them into Hogwarts Houses. Lance says he's a Ravenclaw in his Twitter bio, but he's a Slytherin let's be real. I couldn't decide on Justin's house when I drew this, but yeah, boy's a Slytherin too.
And finally, just a bunch of random doodles. Not even gonna lie, I draw Chris a lot. Often times with JC. Maybe a little bit of smooching is involved. Sometimes I feel a little bad, because I don't really draw Joey or Lance. But like, Chris. I love the doofus. The top left bit in the last picture is part of something longer -- my own headcanon concerning JC's needle phobia and the band tattoos -- but considering my track record, I'm never gonna get around to finishing it.