art dump oh yeahhhh~

Aug 18, 2009 23:25

Everybody's favorite time, ART DUMP TIME! :D
I assume none of you visit my Deviantart account, so some of these are also in my DA gallery.
Still, most of these are retarded WIP that will never ever be finished ever.

Current deviantart ID and my first experiment without lineart. Also my first time using texture overlays. I love grungy textures. <3

Old drawing is old. Supposed to be me and Cynthia being awesome, but now the both of us have different hairstyles. And apparently this was going to be my first experiment without lineart now that I look at the hair.

More lineless artings. And textures. I dunno, I just really like how this looks. A lot different from anything I've done before.

Ahh, I love these two. An updated version of an old doodle I made over 3 years ago. The old one makes me cringe. It's a bit fascinating how much my art style has evolved though.

I don't care if it's not canon, I still love Zutara. Just... not enough to ever actually finish this sketch. Good lord Zuko looks retarded.

For a while I wondered how Rukia would look with long hair and this is what I came up with.

A quick little oekaki I did of Rukia. I... I just really like drawing her.

My Bleach OTP, though my love of Bleach has dwindled considerably.
I think this is actually something I drew over a year ago. On the ball, I am.

I think everytime I try to draw Orihime she ends up looking kind of manry. :/

More 'Hime, this time a 10 second doodle made at around 3-4am. Much much better than the one above, haha.

Look at me, trying to do lineless art again! This is supposed to be Ishida but for some reason he's looking more like Edgeworth from the Ace Attorney series.

Funfact: I like to kill time by genderbending my favorite characters. Ishida, Orihime, and a random Raven in the corner. Yes, man!Hime still wears those sissy hair clips. He's big with the ladies.

My other Bleach OTP. 'Hime looking kind of manry again. :C Also, I don't think I drew her boobs big enough.

I'm a big fan of Team Fortress 2 (even though I played it like once and I SUCKED). I watch Sam play most of the time. Anyway, people are always imagining what the hell the Pyro looks like under the mask and I made up Alex, my very female Pyro. Kinda manry, but that's on purpose. I've been imagining what a TF2 dating sim would be like and she tends to be my placeholder Protagonist. :D

Alex is explicitly the BLU Pyro because RED Pyro happens to be her older brother Matt. I don't even now how or way I came up with that but whatever. I'm also aware that Matt looks a bit like Tycho from Penny Arcade. I suppose in the TF2 dating sim he would be one of the potential loves. What the hell kind of dating sim would it be without some good old fashioned incest? (Oh Japan.)

I don't know? Otacon would look kind of cool in the Medic's outfit but technically he'd be the Engineer. I imagine he'd build Metal Gears and the like. Though considering the time period it'd be more like the Shagohod. I don't know how to draw Otacon, can you tell?

Umm. Yeah. Stemming from the above TF2/MGS crossover I thought of SWEETF2.
You know, based on those ridiculous SWEET SNAKE figures?

ANYWAY! Harro girl!Scoot. More genderbendering from me just because. I gave her a name but I can't remember what it was. Any suggestions?

Now in oekaki flavor! Eh, apparently the Scout isn't blond. But fuck that, his female counterpart totally is. Look at that background, man. I don't even know what that's supposed to be.

More oekaki, this time of the Medic. This was done a couple months ago but I'm still figuring out how to draw him without him looking dumb.

Most people make their girl!Medics into nurses. Fuck that, my Medigirl is a full fledged doctor who enjoys wearing pants.

Like everyone else, I am a firm believer that Medic was a Nazi. So logically, he was a member of the Nazi Youth. Just figuring how he would have looked when he was a youngin'.

I love drawing the Medic, even if I can't draw him correctly. Look at the tiny one! He wants a hug. :D

Every once in a while I mess around with different poses. Look at Medic go! Ha, I almost never draw his Medipack. I can never figure out how it would from a front view. God, he looks stupid.

This... This actually looks pretty nice. Though I don't know what's going on with his nose.

The Medic? Or Clark Kent? You be the judge.
(If you haven't figured out by now that I have a crush on the Medic, something is very wrong.)

FFFFFFFF I let Sam have a go with my tablet and this is what happened. I drew the Pyro of course. And apparently it approves.

Well, that's it from me. Been in a drawing slump for a while. Maybe this dump will inspire me to draw more. Who knows. I'm going to bed.

tf2, art, flapjack, bleach, ppg, mgs

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