someday you will find me caught beneath the landslide...

Jul 23, 2004 14:08

.:. name: mar
.:. single or taken: taken
.:. sex: female
.:. birthday: march 18th, 1989
.:. hair color: brown and dirty blonde with blonde streaks
.:. eye color: jade green
.:. height: 5'3''

R e L a T i O n S h I p S
.:. who is your crush: my boyfriend
.:. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: why, yes i do

F a S h I o N
.:. where is your favorite place to shop: sirens, below the belt, aritzia
.:. have any tatoo's or piercings: ears, bellybutton, tongue next week

S p E c I f I c S
.:. do you do drugs?: yeah... not on an everyday basis like before
.:. what kind of shampoo do you use?: right now papaya down under or something it has a picture of a koala on it
.:. what are you most scared of?: losing my mom/my happiness or starting into drugs again and losing what i've got
.:. who is the last person that called you?: riley
.:. where do you want to get married?: dunno
.:. how many buddies are online right now?: 9/104
.:. what would you change about yourself?: hmm...getting emotional about some stuff that's happened. i mean i guess you can't really help it right... and the fact that im a rowdy drunk. i had to talk to the police before i knocked back a two six but not all of it they made me dump the rest. fuckin' pigs.

F a V o R i T e S
.:. color: blue and purple
.:. boys names: tyler, tom
.:. girls names: kalen, mia
.:. subjects in school: english and lunch
.:. animals: bunnies... i love my bunny
.:. sports: soccer and HACK fuckin rights

H a V e Y o U e V e R
.:. given anyone a bath?: yeah all the time
.:. bungee jumped?: omg yes at playland i was dropped from 100 ft and went swingin back and forth on the drop zone
.:. made yourself throw up: yes
.:. skinny dipped?: no
.:. ever been in love?: yes
.:. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: no
.:. pictured your crush naked?: yes
.:. actually seen your crush naked?: yes
.:. cried when someone died?: yeah
.:. lied: yeah
.:. fallen for your best friend?: ummmm no actually once lol brittni hahaha
.:. been rejected?: once i think i cant remember
.:. rejected someone?: yeah
.:. used someone?: yeah
.:. done something you regret?: yeah

C u R r E n T
.:.clothes: pink flowy know those cute flowy skirts...and a light pink tube top with a circle in the middle showin' cleavage
.:. music: meth - crystal method
.:. make-up: light purple sparkles thick mascara and eyeliner on the bottom
.:. annoyance: my fuckin eye it wont stop hurting and i cant keep iut open
.:. smell: my perfume
.:. favorite group: dunno got lots
.:. desktop picture: carebears
.:. book you're reading: not reading
.:. in cd player: burned cd
.:. in dvd player: nothin
.:. color of toenails: not painted

L a S t P e R s O n
.:. you touched: tom
.:. you hugged: tom
.:. you imed: kara
.:. you yelled at: umm my mom
.:. you kissed: tom

A r E y O u
.:. open-minded: hell yeah.
.:. arrogant: i dunno am i?
.:. insecure: about some things
.:. interesting: yes
.:. random: yeah
.:. hungry: not really
.:. smart: yes
.:. moody: yes.
.:. hard working: well actually, i like to do the least amount of work as possible. unless it's something im passionate about.
.:. organized: no but i clean up and try to keep things organized...then it all ends up going everywhere eventually.
.:. healthy: nope
.:. shy: no
.:. difficult: i'm a "high maitenance" girlfriend
.:. attractive: yeah
.:. bored easily: yes
.:. messy: yeah sometimes
.:. obsessed: with music ya..

R a N d O m
.:. In the morning i am: grumpy so fuck off
.:. all i need is: a smoke
.:. love is: bee-utiful
.:. i dream about: eating some food

O p P o S i T e
.:. what do you notice first: personality and eyes
.:. last person you slow danced with: cant remember that was like in grade 7
.:. makes you laugh the most: lots of people make me laugh. maybe cody
.:. makes you smile: people who make me laugh
.:. who do you have a crush on: not again
.:. who has a crush on you: lots of people it's actually kind of annoying to be hot guys are always calling me and shit and buggin me

D o Y o U
.:. sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: no, i am not a computer nerd
.:. wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: yes sometimes it would be nice
.:. wish you were younger: no rather older
.:. cried because someone said something to you?: yeah if it hits the spot...but not really anymore

N u M b E r
.:. of times i have had my heart broken: a few
.:. of hearts i have broken: probably lots
.:. of girls ive kissed: 3
.:. of guys ive kissed: oh god who knows
.:. of continents i have lived in: 1
.:. of good friends: i am not good with numbers, i just know it's more than 1
.:. of cds i own: too many
.:. of scars on my body: probably some i dont even know about

F i N a L. q U e S t I o N s
.:. do you like fillings these out?: yeah its alright sometimes
.:. gold or silver: silver
.:. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: i honestly cant remember but we're going to see catwoman soon my friends an extra in it it was filmed on the same street my dad lives on so i got to see it filmed and stuff
.:. favorite cartoon/anime?: the simpsons, ren and stimpy family guy all that kinda stuff that makes me laugh more than anybody but mostly the simpsons
.:. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: nothing yet im gonna make some eggs so i cna get rid of this hangover
.:. who would you love being locked in a room with?: i wouldn't like to be locked in a room anyways. but probaly with my boyfriend.
.:. could you live without your computer?: yeah well no i want to burn cd's and shit
.:. would you color your hair? yeah
.:. could you ever get off the computer?: yes
.:. habla espanol? ummmm.... let's jsut say..... no
.:. how many people are on your buddy list? lots
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