Title: Four Times Lily's Drunk and The One Time She's Not.
Pairing: Lily Loveless/Kathryn Prescott
Rating: PG
Word Count: 286
Summary: When Lily gets drunk.
A/N: None.
When Lily gets drunk, she’s handsy. She’s one of the drunk-sorts Kat tries to avoid. But its hard when it’s Lily.
Lily, who’s coming up behind her, who’s tickling her sides lightly before sliding her arms around the redhead’s waist and resting her chin on her shoulder, causing a lopsided smile to form on Kat’s features as the blonde sways her hips quietly to the music in the pub, attempting to press herself impossibly closer.
When Lily gets drunk, Kat finds herself giggling with the blonde at nothing in particular more times then she can count, finds herself accepting Lily’s hand as it slides securely between her fingers as they sit together, lychee martini in one hand and the other attached to Lily’s as their knees bump together.
When Lily gets drunk, she’s good at arguing. Kat thinks that’s why she is currently easing the blonde into her bed after an intense night out, because Lily made the case that her place was too far away and Kat, being drunk also, has decided that, yes, she was right and tried to ignore the fleeting feeling in her stomach caused by the prospect of Lily being her bed.
When Lily gets drunk, she’s confident. All lips and tongues and hands, and Kat reciprocates because fuck it’s Lily and she knows tomorrow the blonde will be quiet and less willing to accept what’s in her heart.
But when Kat’s drunk, she’s truthful. She’s honest (well, more so, if that’s possible). And for once, Lily’s relatively sober.
She’s sober when she places a hand to cup Kat’s cheek and kisses her softly. And Kat kisses back fervently because for once it’s more then wanting, needing, fucking, lines, scripts and directors.