In no particular order:
Silver and Dixon keep bringing the cute.
New chick an undercover agent *GASP* this show just keeps amusing me. Also ryan and her hooking up in the near future is totally going to happen. Adriana's Momma Quinlan was wonderful as she always is in any role. Just the right amount of Paula in her.
Before i start this section can i just say HOLY FUCKING SHIT TO THESE PHOTOS?
Anyway, onto the adorable happy hour that is Chuck and Sarah:
This episode had me grinning like an idiot. EVerything about it was PERFECT plus RUSSIAN JULIE COOPER FTW. lol.
A romantic evening for Ellie by Morgan from Capt. Awesome was fantastic. Ilu Morgan.
Lester being a complete douche and everyone getting fired. LOL LESTER.
How does this show continue to win so much?
Best moment of the episode though?
Heroes was alright. I am finding it hard to watch lately though. I mean i'm holding on but i think i'm going to slip off the bandwagon soon if something plausable doesnt happen. I mean tehre's are even more new characters and its getting ridiculous, IMO. I am really only continuing to watch for Kristen and maybe some Hayden interaction but KB wasnt even in this episode. Idk, I guess i'm just bored with it.
This show continues to make me a giggly mess, much like Chuck does.
Olive i absolutely ADORE even more if that's even possible, and Pigby, oh bless your sweet heart, Olive. You clearly are still having Ned withdrawals.
The circus theme was great. and We know more about Emerson! YAY Character development for him!
Ned: I really want to kiss you now.
Chuck: But we've only just met we're just two strangers in a big city, these things take time! I work in the Piehole downstairs.
Ned: Really? I own the Piehole downstairs. May we walk together?
Chuck: Well, that'd be swell, Harvey.
Ned: Ned, actually.
Chuck: Ned. You have a very nice name.
Chuck and Ned playing little fantasies every morning could turn into FANTASTIC FANFIC. Come oooooon fandom!
So cute.
"I wake pies and make the dead. That was creepy..." NED LOVE.
This weeks HIMYM is pretty much summed up with "nah i might be awhile, i've gotta drop a massive New Jersey."
Hilarious. But we need much more Barney/Robin!! Although Barney trying to pick up a lesbian. Heh. SO amusing "Robin i need your lipstick" <3 <3 Win.
Barney's high five and fist bump thingy LOLOL Idiot. I love him so much.
Brennan: I need a Forensic Anthropologist in the lab so i can spend my time aiming Agent Booth in the right direction.
Booth: 'Aiming Agent Booth'. Like a hose?
SO MUCH WIN. I love this show so much.
The storyline was really interesting too. I loved this week's episode!Zach. He was amazing, british and just hilarious. Full of useless knowledge. I want one. He's adorable. BB parts of this episode made me happy. Booth explaining he'd be way prettier then Brennan made me laugh. Its so unlikely that'd be true because Brennan is HAAAAAAWT but they'd defs be equal in hotness, oh and then:
"I call you 'Booth' and i like you just fine"
"yeah but we're not married."
*semi awkward silence*
TOTALLY IN LOVE. *fangirls a little bit*
I loved this episode. I thought most things about it were awesome, and god i've missed these characters so much. Apart from Meredith. She can actually go and drown now. She has no purpose.
Izzy: I dont get why people don't like her, i love her! I mean i get that she's mopey a lot but apart from that she's a half decent character.
But the real reason i'm updating about Grey's is Lexie/George and Callica.
Lexie's a sweetheart. I love her to pieces. She's become one of my favourite characters really quickly. George may not have a clue yet but he will and then they will be all couply and adorable in their apartment.
I loved that Slone/Callie scene where she threw salad at him. It was adorable and did anyone else (who watched South of Nowhere) get an Aiden vibe from him? It was douchy but something about it made me like the callie/slone friendship.
Erica, oh Erica you're so awesome.
"i think i just hate him because he's seen you naked"
OH GOD JSUT DO IT WITH CALLIE ALREADY. SHE WAS GRINNING LIKE AN IDIOT AT YOU *flails and dies from sexual tension and/or awesomness. a;;a;ld;la;ldaf;ld;lda;dl; Hee, i love them. They make me squeak with happy.
FINALLY DONE. Wow i dont like doing updates about all tv shows in one go. It takes me forever.
ETA: How did i forget to update about this?
No more ban in Connecticut :D Yay!