Title: 1973
Pairing: Luce/Rach
Fandom: IMAY
Summary/story: Rach goes back to Heck and leaves Luce. But she always feels it was the wrong thing to do and Luce has since then haunted Rach's memory but is also having trouble moving on. Heck figures out that Rach is only staying with him to make him happy and tells her to be with the one she loves, So Rach attempts to call Luce, but chickens out and goes to Luce at her flower shop the next day. After not seeing her for a few months Luce is surprised to see Rach and the rest is history.
A/N: Took me almost 6 hours. I was up until 4AM because i was determined to finish it and not get half way through and then get distracted lol.
Hopefully it makes sense. It makes sense to me but weird things make sense to me so...
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Enjoy! :)