amy did it.
thats my excuse.
yay random quiz found on myspace!
Deep Questions
Who are you?
What keeps you awake at night?
my stupid brain.
If you could go back in time and change something, what would you change?
i would have killed hitler in his sleep.
um, i would go back to the start of the month again so i would have SUPER FAST INTERNET
Are you happy with your life at the moment?
my happiness comes and goes, like a tide..yes, yes, shallow and pedantic. :|
What do you like most about yourself?
oh i totes think my hair is hawt. *sarcasm*
Do you ever wish you were someone else?
What's the worst thing anyone has ever done to you?
left me at the airport alone in queensland *looks in direction of person* YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARRRRRRE :P
ok thats a lie but thats all i can think of right now.
Do you have a dark secret that you have never told anyone?
doesnt everyone?
What do you like most about your friends?
they just win at life. so much. oh and my computer is a friend too *HUGS COMPUTER*
Have you ever come close to dying?
What one thing do you want most in this world?
war was never invented/people never died. (see the sentence is joined so its still one thing!! ooh its raining)
How do you want to be remembered when you die?
i want to be remembered by the love i had for all llamas great and small.
What do you never take for granted?
my vision and my hearing. (ok maybe my vision a little)