This week seems to be taking forever, and it's only a four day week. ahhh! I just can't focus or do work or anything. I can't wait for the weekend.
I love my icon, the goldfish, because I love both of my goldfish.
Well, this is a short entry because I don't have much to say, except sleepover this weekend again?
annnnnd now...enjoy!
me and my lovely cousin whitney being surprised
me and whitney again
girllls sleepover
more of us in pink,
a really cute picture of me and mere
bowwwwling one night
being serious
...and not so serious
still bowling
ian and me
Ians car, me and mere decorated it for valentines day when he has school and we didnt, except it was raining so we couldn't write or anything, but it still turned out cute.
alyse, tanya, alicia
at breakast one day over break
at breakfast again
haha alyse playing poker
me and ian agaaaain
phhheeewwww !!!
O.C. tomorrow! ahhhh !!
looove yoou!