My dear little angel,
Today I slipped off my shoes outside your infant room at daycare and looked around the room trying to find you. But guess what? You were in the toddler room next door! I peeked across the divider and saw your little blonde self standing next to a table, playing with a toy truck with all your old friends. You didn't mind this time when I put you back down while I gathered up our belongings, and when I was ready, you wanted to play some more. And when you were ready, you crawled over to me as if to say, "okay, Mommy, I'm ready now. Let's go home."
It's only the next room, but I can't believe how quickly we got to this place.
You were so tired when we got home this afternoon that you curled up in my arms and fell asleep as you nursed. As I write this letter you are in your crib, sleeping peacefully on your tummy, clutching your trusty frog lovey under your chin.
I can't stop you from growing up, but I will always be your Mommy. I will always hold you tight.
The world has become your oyster. While I have yet to witness independent steps, you stand by yourself and walk everywhere while just using objects for balance. You have mastered climbing a flight of stairs all by yourself (and I was right behind you the whole time)-- and you were so proud when you reached the top.
Recently you discovered the flashlight, which quickly became the best toy ever. You aim the light at various things and watch where the spot ends up. You press buttons and turn knobs, turn things on or change channels, and you hold books with purpose, paging through the story with a face of contemplation. You are always trying to figure things out, testing your hypotheses with trial and error.
At the high chair, you eat all kinds of various foods. Lately you've embraced fresh cut peaches as your dessert of choice, and you love to eat fresh hummus and steamed green beans. Now that fall is upon us, I'm sure all those yummy apples and squashes at the farmer's market will be good to eat, too. You are getting the hang of drinking water from your sippy cup by yourself, and have even had your first tastes of cow's milk (and fortunately, you still want mama's milk most).
You love to hear the sound of your own voice, and enjoy raising your volume to yelling status just for the fun of it. And when we're in a room with tall ceilings and hard floors, you're even louder. You clearly say, "kitty cat" and "go," you wave bye-bye and say "buh buh."
You're still sleeping, so you must be tired. Usually you only take one nap these days, so I'm not used to this time to sit and write! You always sleep very well at night, though, and after your bedtime kisses, you enter dreamland happily.
Now that Mommy is back to work this fall, it seems things have come full circle. It was this time last year that you were getting ready to make your entrance into the world, and Mommy's doctors insisted it was time to get off her feet and leave work a little earlier than planned (can you say, "cankles," little one?). But I was so looking forward to meeting you, and didn't want to screw any of those plans up, so even your stubborn mom took their advice and took up residence in the bedroom for awhile. I know I keep repeating myself, but it's so crazy to realize how quickly nearly a year has passed.
Mommy and Daddy are looking forward to your birthday party in a couple of weeks (as are your grandparents on both sides, your aunt and uncle, great uncle, and friends), and Mommy is especially looking forward to seeing your face covered in birthday cake.
Many bear hugs and tummy kisses.