The Martin Puryear show at the National Gallery was lovely (it was the same one as the MOMA show last Spring that we missed due to the really long lines). It's a shame that one is not allowed to photograph the show, though. There's just something so incredibly pleasing about his sculptures in the big spaces that beg for capturing on film, but alas. It will just have to remain captured in memory instead. In time for my sculpture focus plans, I bought lots of items on sculpture for the year from the book shop.
I'm now resting with my feet up, wrapped with ice packs. Rob and Mark have gone out to get stain for the dresser.
While on the subject of plans, Rob seems to think I won't be finishing out the week, much less the month. I'm 35 weeks. My feet are still spherical, I can no longer wear my wedding ring, and the sciatic pain is still making me move like an old woman. That is really the most frustrating thing ever for me-- I'm usually a pretty speedy walker (hey, my legs are long, I like to gooooo). I see the doc on Wednesday for the first of the now-weekly appointments. We'll see what she says.
I just want to get through two weeks. That can be a compromise, can't it?
Lesson plans (for me)
Sub plans (mid-Sept through January)
Birth plan
Tonight we will dine at
Restaurant 3. I'm sure there will be a review from one of us. :)