So, what happened?
... Got ACCEPTED!!! xDDD
Coloring, coloring, coloring, Korean manga stuff will be my life for a while. =w=
Yay! xD Hoping for a more Japanese-ish thing, but, whatever. xD
I need a job, SERIOUSLY... =w=
First payment...
Get my ears pierced! and dye my hair GREEEEN!!! xDDD
I WANT THAT!!! xD<333
6:47 AM 1/26/11
Ok... It's just you and me, my Lj. Wish me luck!
I'll be going for an interview and I hope I won't go blank. Well... This is my first. On a job interview, that is...
Hope everything goes well!!!
Here comes Justice...?! xDDD;;;
What?! I'm a YAOI artist! And what do YAOI artists draw?!
And, what, the interviewer, is a MAN!!! O_O;;
... sigh...
So, while looking for things to bring for my portfolio... Well, it's hard to look for one really. O_O
Yaoi, yaoi, yaoi... GACK! What to bring?!!! @A@
Suck... Couldn't bring my greatest works... They are rather obviously yaoi or yaoi R18... =_=;;
Bringing? Just yaoi hinted ones. xD;;
And again... Wish me luck!!!
"Sensei, give me strength! xD" Hmm... I should look for a bracelet. =w= Ah, never mind. xD
5:16 PM 1/24/11
Just this morning, while doing some arts, I was with my MP3 player, Skarrlette, rocking as I draw.
My lil sis was beside me, reviewing her note. She, then, poked me.
"Somebody just sayd Objection."
Yes, my ring tone for a while is Apollo's "OBJECTION!". =w=
So, I looked at my phone, and it was just a number. Hnn... I read it...
TH-th-the other c-c-company where I passed my resume! Texted ME and they want an interview!!! OwO;;;
Eeeek!!! \·_·/
Hah! xD;;;
... It's just an interview... I'm not YET accepted or anything. xD;;
Yeah... =w=
7:54 AM 1/22/11
Dreamt of not being accepted in a job today... =_=;;
I online-passed my resume in two... well, two companies where I feel like to be working on to earn money...
Sad thing is, I'd dreamt that the other didn't accept me for which because I wear glasses... Whut? =_=
And , at least 20 years old... Wha-?! =3= This April I'll be twenty---!!! Oh, nevermind. xD;;;
-sigh- ...... I just wish the meaning of it all is the opposite... thing... =w=
... Looked at the doujinshi again... =w=;;;; Ahh~ Sensei... xD<333
"Oshiete onegaishimasu! <3"
Wanna really understand that doujinshi... I've been looking for random kanji's and my mind is already oozing out from my ear... =w=
7:16 PM 1/21/11
Now... I badly need more SenseixOdoroki (KristophxApollo) doujinshi. =w=;;;;
Everytime I got the chance to be infront of the PC, I never ever forget to look at the one and only KristophxApollo doujinshi (scans) I have... I badly need more!!! xD;;
Sad, no? X_x;; Maybe KyouyaxOdoroki will do? xD;; NO! I want my Sensei! X_x
Why look for others! I can just make my own! ... Is still not enough... X3X Argh!!! xD;;