Yup! Today is Eat Meat Day in FMA. xD
Happy Eat Meat Day!!! 8D
(This will be the the first time ever again I'll be posting my art in a community. ><;;
I hope every thing would go on smoothly. @_@
I usually have negative feelings when it comes to posting my arts in the community. @A@)
Eep eep eep! ><;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-sweats harder-
Today was the start of our tests in Mid-terms.
Our last subject was music. So, I took on my violin and practice some.
Our instructor would call on 5 or less people to play infront of him and two of our instructor.
While we're playing 'Ode to joy', the last song, I took the wrong note at the last part. ¦D Eep. What was fun in it, was that, I asked my classmate what was Sir and Ma'am's reaction in our group, he told me, when I stopped they all stopped. xD;;;;
Man... I feeeeeel good. ¦3
I'm not being boastful. D: Just being... Pride-ful. xD
Eeek! >3< Shoo! PRIDE! SHOOoo!!! >[]<;;
OMG... I was just browsing randomly (yeah... in a computer shop ;_;) and saw this! 8D
http://pics.livejournal.com/pictoalchemist/pic/00007a3z/g8OMG Roy! >w<;;;;
He's like France nii-chan. xDDD