Buffy: I miss you
The ring is loose on her finger, and before she can clasp his hand it
falls off and clinks on the floor.
Angel and Buffy both look down at the ring.
Buffy: I had to.
Angel: I loved you.
Buffy: Oh God! Angel!!
Angel: GO TO HELL. I did.
*Wakes up from dream*
Scott: Uhmm...i got you a little present. *Takes the box out of his pocket*
The guy in the retro shop said that it represents friendship, and that's something I would very much like to have with you.
Its the Claddagh ring.
Scott: You like?
*She drops the box immediately*
Buffy: I cant. I..I..I cant do this.
Scott: Ok, i get the message.
Buffy: Angel was cured.
Giles: Im sorry?
Buffy: When i killed him Angel was cured. Your spell worked at the last minute, Will.
Buffy: I was about to take him out and uh...something went through him. And he was Angel again.
He...he...didnt remember anything that he'd done. He just held me, Um, but i-it was... it was too late, and I, I had to.
So I, I told him that I loved him... and I kissed him... and I killed him.
Puts ring back down on to the floor.
Buffy: Goodbye.