Cracks, Locations

Aug 31, 2010 22:59

Brain twins/triplets: silkstocking
Fandom: Cracks
Topic: Locations of Cracks
"You find the school much changed?"

Stanley Island

An iron gate closed on the long driveway, lined with ancient oaks, that led up to the school.

She was used to straight paths and gardens with clipped hedges and ancient, shady trees.

In front of the school nothing moves except the shimmer of heat. It is all distance: flat land, and sky, and the slight trace of the river that runs slow and dun beside the graves toward the low, blue hills.

We listen to the grandfather clock in the hall chime the hour. We look at the brass bowl of proteas that collect dust and the narrow staircase that leads from the hall into the shadows.

The teachers slipped silently into their places in the chapel pews and sank with a sigh of soft dresses onto their knees, burying their faces in their arms or hiding them in their hands.

We were all in the classroom, sitting two-by-two at our wide wooden desks with the tops that lifted to store our books and our comics, and holes cut out to hold the inkwells.

Sitting in the long, narrow dining room in the glare of early morning light, after breakfast, digesting lumpy porridge, we listened hopefully as the prefect read out the names of girls who had received letters or parcels.

The rooms do not seem as big as when we first entered here. We are to sleep in the dormitory now called Mandela. We raise our eyebrows and goggle at one another. We remember the hard, narrow beds, the lack of privacy...

We sweated and groaned on the hard [gym] floor, vaulting over the pommel horse or doing endless jumping-jacks, sit-ups, and press-ups.

In her splendid, sunny room... Miss G asked Fiamma to sit down.

Miss Nieven herself seemed permanently unavailable, shut up in the fastness of her cool study.

The Lake

Blood red poppies grow even more wildly among the blue hydrangeas near the round, thatched-roofed changing huts.

"There you were, swallow-diving from the high board in your black racing costumes, doing double back flips, one after another. Up, up you went into the air, light as light can be."

We floated on beside Miss G in the moonlight and mysterious quiet of the night, the lights of the school glimmering faintly in the distance, only the crickets chirping.

The white sky meets the flatness of the plain, pressing down heavily all around.

The Woods

The graves are out of bounds, but we sometimes run there to lie down on the cool marble slab and fold our hands on our chests and play dead.

The Docks

:challenge21, .diana_hawthorne

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