Sep 01, 2010 23:35

Hello, as September 1st dies down now, we have a couple of announcements for you all. Please make sure to read the following.

As of this post, there will be no more twin spams approved from the queue.

Over the next 48 hours, we will be approving the picspams that were left behind - that is to say, that were without their twin or triplet -. If you had a picspam that was meant to be posted with a twin, but he/she didn't post it or had to drop out and you refrained from posting for that very reason, submit it over the next 48 hours (provided that you didn't post anywhere else because of the rules for this challenge). Only do this for picspams that were not posted because of brain twin issues, it doesn't equal an extension for braintwins.

We will be posting a wrap-up post around September 3rd, and a new challenge will be up on September 4th.

There seemed to be an issue where some people submitted things and yet they didn't show up on the queue. If you think both you and your twin submitted but you haven't seen it approved, then please comment to this post so we can verify against the queue, because as of right now there are no twins on the queue.

Thank you for your hard work on this challenge. We know it was complex and hard, that it took a lot of communication and compromise and that it was probably not easy for a lot of people. But the results are fabulous and we're very happy with the outcome.

Any questions/comments please feel free to reply to this post.

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