Top 10 Best Holmes/Watson Moments

Aug 17, 2010 20:00

Brain twins/triplets: les342
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes
Topic: 10 Best Holmes/Watson Moments
Top 10 Best Holmes/Watson Moments
general spoilers for "Sherlock Holmes" 2009.

So when I saw that les342 wanted to do this, I signed up right away! I just love this movie and the relationship between Holmes and Watson. I couldn't put these moments in any particular order, so they are chronological.

1. "Always nice to see you, Watson."

"You remember your revolver?"
 -"Oh I knew I forgot something. Thought I left the stove on."
  -"You did."

From this first scene, you just knew the movie was going to be great! I just love that they were having a conversation while they worked together to put the bad guy down. And then the friendly handshake turned all serious!

2. "Lady Radford reports her emerald bracelet has gone missing."

"There is only one case that intrigues me at present, the curious case of Mrs. Hudson, the absentee landlord. I've been studying her comings and goings, they appear most sinister."

I liked this scene because Watson took it upon himself to get Holmes out of his funk. And look how close they were sitting! No problems with personal space. Plus, Holmes was so cute when he was crawling on the floor!

3. "I thought we'd agreed it's to small for you."

"I'd like it back!"
 -"I thought we'd agreed."

"You have a grand gift of silence, Watson, it makes you quite invaluable as a companion."

I love that Watson is mad enough at Holmes to punch him in the face. And then take back a piece of clothing that Holmes really liked just to throw it out the window! But, Watson just can't stay mad! Look at that smile on his face!

4. "Get that out of my face!"

"It's not in your face. It's in my hand."
 -"Get what's in your hand out of my face."

"It's a matter of professional integrity. No girl wants to marry a doctor who can't tell if a man's dead or not."

This scene is great because it shows how good of friends they are, just palling around!

5. "Does your depravity know no bounds?"

"And what of the warts?"
 -"Oh, she's covered in warts!"
  -"Are they extensive?"

"I see two men. Brothers. Not in blood, but in bond."

This scene! I love the lengths Holmes is willing to go to just to keep Watson by his side! And I know that gypsy is just faking, but I love that sentence about them being brothers! And then Watson is all adamant that he needs to go see Mary. Of course, he just can't leave Holmes all by himself though!

6. "Holmes!"

"Watson...What have you done?"

Watson put his life at risk to save Holmes! Love it! And then classic Holmes! Great stuff!

7. "I am psychologically disturbed."

"How so?"
 -"Why else would I be continually led into situations where you deliberately withhold your plans from me?"

"How am I complaining? When do I ever complain about your practicing the violin at three in the morning, or your mess, your general lack of hygiene, or the fact that you steal my clothes?"
 -"We have a barter system."

So now Watson is really pissed! But, he still let Holmes sleep on his shoulder all night! And then they bicker and Watson whines and Holmes is all kinds of ridiculous! I just love that Watson is all put-out and Holmes is basically clueless!

8. "Since this room is no longer yours, do you mind if I utilise it?"

"Well done Watson. That should led us right to Blackwood."
 -"Not us."
  -"Just a figure of speech, old boy."

"He's left it there on purpose."

This scene was like bittersweet. Watson is packing and Holmes knows he's about to lose him. Holmes brought the body in because he knew he could get Watson's interest. I love that they both try to act all sneaky. It's so cute! And then Watson has to go and remind Holmes that he's not doing anymore. It's cute how Holmes left his gun knowing full well that Watson would, of course, go after him! These boys!

9. "Save the bullets, Watson."

"What was that about saving bullets?"

I just love how in sync they are! Plus, that scene always cracked me up when I was watching the trailer!

10. "Nut him!"

"Can you manage?"
 -"Of course I can."

"Relax. I'm a doctor."

Again, I just really like the close proximity. I'm sure it wasn't necessary at all to be that close! Watson could have easily moved over! And then I love the double team on big guy!

So those are my 10 favorite Holmes/Watson scenes! I hope you liked this spam!
Please leave comments here at my lj so that I can be sure to see them!

sn, :challenge21

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