Torchwood - season 2: one favorite scene per episode

Aug 27, 2010 16:01

Brain twins/triplets: camelot_queen  & alisea_dream 
Fandom: Torchwood
Topic: Season 2: one favorite scene per episode


2.01 Kiss kiss bang bang
BLOWFISH: So this is Team Torchwood. The teacher's pets. But teacher's gone, hasn't he? Leaving the kiddy-kids all alone. And look at you, trying so hard to be all grown up. The Doctor, with his hands full of blood. The Carer, with her oh-so-beating heart. The Technician, with her cold devices. Which leaves me, with the Office Boy, promoted beyond his measure. All of you, lost without your master. All of you, pretending to be so brave. All of you, so scared. So, what about it, minion? Can you do it? How good are you? How sharp is your aim? What if you kill her? What if I kill her first? Can you shoot, before I do? Can you? Dare you? Would you? Won't you?
[*BANG* and fish brain splatters. Ianto looks at his gun, then swings around to reveal…]
JACK: Hey kids. Did you miss me?

2.02 Sleeper
IANTO: “Just us and this room for as long as it takes?” Terrifying.
JACK: Really?
IANTO: Absolutely. Shivers down my spine.
JACK: You don't look scared.
IANTO: Oh, it...passed.

2.03 To the last man
JACK: This time tomorrow, he'll be back in 1918.
IANTO: In his own time. Would you go back to yours? If you could?
JACK: Why, would you miss me?
JACK: I left home a long time ago. I don't really know where I really belong. Maybe that doesn't matter any more.
IANTO: I know you get lonely.
JACK: Going home wouldn't fix that. Being here, I've seen things I never dreamt I'd see. Loved people I never would have known if I'd just stayed where I was. And I wouldn't change that for the world.

2.04 Meat
GWEN: What were you doing at that warehouse?
RHYS: You lied to me! You were at that crash.
GWEN: I don’t know what you’re talking about, what…?
RHYS: Stop pissing me around, Gwen! You're so used to lying, fobbing me off like the idiot that I obviously am!
GWEN: Those blokes paying you? Why were you there?
RHYS: No, I'm asking the questions! Alright? I followed you, OK? Yeah. So that bloke, the tall bloke in the coat. You fucking him or what?
GWEN: All I ever asked was you trust me.
RHYS: Like you trust me? It's a two-way street, Gwen!
GWEN: There's stuff you don't understand, Rhys.
RHYS: Oh, of course not. I'm just a big, dumb animal, aren't I? I mean, what's so secret you can't even tell your own fiancé? Eh? You know in fact… Why ARE you marrying me, Gwen, eh? What am I, just a habit you can't be arsed to break?
RHYS: Then tell the truth!
GWEN: All right. All right. My job... the special ops thing... it's a lie - a cover story.
RHYS: Thank you! At last! God, what's that taken? About a year? So That's one lie down. How many more have we got to deal with, eh? Is there anything in your life that’s actually based on truth?
RHYS: Us?! Us? Us is crumbling, Gwen. Us is falling to shit!
GWEN: You think I enjoy keeping all this stuff to myself?
RHYS: Then why did you?
GWEN: Because I'm trying to protect you! Have you ever stopped to think about that? No! No, because You prefer to blunder in without thinking or looking. Good old ham-fisted Rhys. His heart, his heart is in the right place but his brain is a million miles fucking back.
RHYS: Come on, come on, let's have it all then shall we, eh? What exactly do I need protecting from?
GWEN: I catch aliens.
RHYS: Piss off!
GWEN: No You piss off... It’s the truth
RHYS: If you’re not gonna take it seriously...
GWEN: This is why I couldn't tell you because I hunt down aliens and I scavenge the stuff they leave behind. I mean Sometimes I don't believe it myself.
RHYS: Jesus Christ! What’s got into you? Have you been brainwashed? Is that it, yeah? Is that what’s happened? Cause you are talking some high grade shit here.
GWEN: Every word is the truth. Rhys... The things I have seen... The times I have wanted to tell you...
RHYS: Aliens. In Cardiff.
GWEN: Have you never seen something so mad, so... extraordinary... that, just for one second, you think that there might be more out there?
RHYS: Prove it.

2.05 Adam
ADAM: What's wrong?
IANTO: My diary. You're not in it. Everyone else is. Why would I leave you out when you've been here so long? Like I'm remembering a man who doesn't exist. What are you?
ADAM: Cross me, and I will fill you full of fake memories until your head is on fire, because that's how I exist.
IANTO: Gwen. What did you do to her?
ADAM: Memory is a very delicate thing. Feeding myself in wiped other memories out. It's a side-effect of what I have to do in order to survive.
IANTO: Jack has to know.
ADAM: Remember this. I know you didn't mean to kill her. You just couldn't stop yourself. Remember this.
IANTO: I didn't do that.
ADAM: Oh, yes, you did, and she wasn't the first.
WOMAN: Please don't hurt me!
ADAM: 'Good old Ianto, loyal Ianto. Roaming the streets at night for bait.'
IANTO: My. . .diary!
ADAM: All human record is a lie. You twist it into what you want to believe. But we know the rot in your heart. You crave flesh.
IANTO: No. Please.
ADAM: Remember it.
IANTO: Aaargh!
ADAM: Remember it. Remember it! Remember it! Remember it!
IANTO: Aaargh!
ADAM: I helped you dump the bodies. It's me you call. You know, I forgot what a rush it is, feeding in the bad stuff.

2.06 Reset
JACK: How's the family?
MARTHA: Getting better. They send their love.
JACK: Give them mine. So, End of the World Survivors Club.
MARTHA: God, I am so glad to see you, Jack!
JACK: See, you did come all this way just to see me. It's the jaw line. Once seen, always yearned for. D'you miss him?
MARTHA: No. I made my choice. Maybe sometimes.
MARTHA: Tiny bit. Tiny, tiny. Then I come to my senses again. Anyway, I've got plenty to occupy me.
JACK: Oh, yeah, Miss Highfalutin'. What is it? Medical officer?
MARTHA: Oh, yes.
JACK: So do I have to call you ma'am?
MARTHA: No. Just follow my orders to the letter. 
JACK: You should have called me if you were looking for a job.
MARTHA: I wasn't. This woman from UNIT rang out of the blue, said I was just what they needed, that I'd come highly recommended by an impeccable source.
JACK: You mean...?
MARTHA: Well, who else would have done it?
JACK: He must have thought he owed you a favour. Guess we all do. So Do you think you could get me one of those red caps for personal use? I’m thinking Ianto might look good in it.
MARTHA: You want uniforms, get your own. Now, am I going to get the guided tour?
JACK: Yes, ma'am, whatever you say, ma'am! Huah!
MARTHA: Leave it!

2.07 Dead man walking

2.08 A day in the death
OWEN: My name is Dr. Owen Harper and this is my life. A life that is full of action and violence and work, wonder. Secrets, sex and love and heartbreak and death. My death. The death I survived. The death I am now living through. Except ... this isn't living. Every day it's the same. I get up, get ready for work the same as everyone else. The thing is, I'm not the same. I get to work and everyone's doing the same old thing. Babbling away about aliens and weddings. I'm not real. Three days ago, I died. And they think I'm fine, ... but they're wrong.

2.09 Something borrowed
[Jack flips through the booklet with dresses in it. He sees one he likes.]
JACK: No, I like that one. Good choice.
IANTO: I estimated Gwen's size from the hub security laser scans. As you know, my dad was a master tailor. He could size a man's inside leg measurement by his stride across the shop threshold.
JACK: Ah, the family eye. Remind me to test it some time.
IANTO: Well, if ... uh ... later on ...
[Owen bursts into the office.]
OWEN: Jack.
IANTO: Yeah, brilliant, like that one.

2.10 From out of the rain
IANTO: When the film stopped, these shadows went past me.
JACK: What kind of shadows?
IANTO: Don't know. Wasn't clear. Something else. You were up there on the screen. Large as life.
JACK: What was I doing?
IANTO: You were on some sort of stage ... outside a big tent. You seemed to be part of a traveling show.
JACK: I heard it. Heard its music. Just a snatch of it.
IANTO: That film was beautiful. All those acts performing for us, part of history, trapped on film forever.
JACK: Their days were numbered. Cinema may have saved their images, but it finished off the traveling shows. Killed them.

2.11 Adrift
RHYS: So On the one hand, you've got blokes like Mo, who swears it's the best thing he's done in his life. And then on the other, you've got Big Dave, who says it feels like his life has ended and now he's a second class citizen in his own house. Although to be fair, he said his life had ended when Susy made him ditch the bike...
GWEN: Will you just stop wittering! Thank you. God...!
RHYS: It's not wittering. It's talking. We're supposed to be talking. I've been trying to talk to you for a week but for some reason you don't want to.
GWEN: Oh Wake up, Rhys! What's the point? We don't need a talk! It takes two seconds' thought! How are we supposed to have kids with my job? Torchwood does not do maternity leave! "Oh I’m sorry Jack, I'd love to help out with the aliens, but I can't get a babysitter! No no no I'll sort out that bomb once I've dropped Rhys Junior off at nursery". Stop dancing around it, it’s a dead question!
RHYS: You know, sometimes I fucking hate you! I mean, look at you, caught up in your little group, like nothing else matters. Like being a hero is an end in itself. Well It's not. You save this city. Well done. You save the world, whatever. What for?
GWEN: Sorry?
RHYS: Why are you doing it? What are you trying to protect? What are you fighting for Gwen?
GWEN: Because if I don't, Rhys...
RHYS: Shut up, I'm talking now, right? You do it so people can live their lives. And there's nothing more important than that. Falling in love, getting married, buying flats, having kids, or not. But real life. That's what you're protecting. And if you're starting to think that your shit is more important than real life... then we're not gonna last very long here, love.
GWEN: I'm sorry. There's this thing at work...
RHYS: I don't care! I don’t care. When you're with me, we deal with us, right? Our lives. You got a problem at work, you sort it at work.

2.12 Fragments
LED EYE IN CEILING: 'This is a UNIT facility. Your rights as a citizen have been withdrawn. You will be held here indefinitely. We are not required to provide you with legal representation. Anything you say will be recorded. You will be allowed no communication with any person or organisation outside this facility. There is no right of appeal. If you fail to comply with the rules, we are authorised to discipline you.'
TOSH: Is my mother safe?
LED EYE IN CEILING: 'We cannot supply you with that information.'

2.13 Exit wounds
OWEN: Yes! Rock and roll!
TOSH: Oh no… Owen, get out of there! There's a power surge in the system! When that hits, it'll trigger an emergency lockdown!
OWEN: No! No! Tosh! Toshiko! I can't get out! Not like this. Not like this! I'm not going yet. 'Get me out of here, Tosh!' Get me out of here! I've died once, I'm not doing it again! Where's Jack? Where's Gwen, Ianto, John? You want to watch the dead man die again?
TOSH: Owen, just stay calm.
OWEN: Oh Why should I do that? Where's the fun in that? I'm gonna rage my way to oblivion.
TOSH: Please stop.
OWEN: Why? Give me one good bloody reason why - one good reason why I shouldn't keep screaming.
TOSH: Because you're breaking my heart.
OWEN: I'm sorry.
TOSH: It's my fault.
OWEN: No, no, no, it isn't. No, it isn't. Don't you dare go there, Tosh. I'm really sorry. What's gonna happen to me, Tosh?
TOSH: I can't.
OWEN: Please. OK, I need to know.
TOSH: The containment chamber will be flooded with the irradiated coolant.
OWEN: Ah. My body will slowly decompose, as I watch.
TOSH: I should've been able to stop it.
OWEN: Oh, come on, Tosh. There's no way you could've anticipated that power spike, come on. Besides, you've saved… my back so many times in the past. Right from the moment I joined.
TOSH: Your second week I had to cover for you, pretend I was a medic, cos you were hung over and unreachable.
OWEN: What was it, Space Pig?
TOSH: Space Pig.
OWEN: Yeah. We never did get that date, did we, you and me? We sort of, er, missed each other. It was my fault. I didn't... didn’t notice until it was too late. I'm sorry.
TOSH: Me too.
[Machines bleep]
OWEN: It's starting.
TOSH: Owen...
OWEN: It's all right. Really, Tosh. It's all right.
[Fade to white.]
TOSH: 'Oh, God. Owen...' Owen...
JACK: Toshiko? Toshiko?! Gwen, I need help down here! Okay?
IANTO: The nuclear plant at Turnmill. Owen's there.
TOSH: Sealed in. Re-routed the blast. I couldn't save him.
GWEN: Tosh? There you go, darling. Talk to me now, come on. Hey! Tosh!

.alisea_dream, :challenge21

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