Ten Times Veronica Mars Was Smarter Than Everyone Else

Aug 25, 2010 10:45

Brain twins: cold_queen_5, timewaslost
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Topic: Moments of Awesome
Top Ten Times Veronica Mars Was Smarter Than Everyone Else

10. Season Three, "Spit and Eggs"
Random Girl - Are you the girl looking for Kim? Because Kim didn't come to the party.
Veronica - I saw her drink cup.
RG - She leant her I.D. to her little sister, Carrie.
Veronica - Where's Carrie?
RG - She wasn't feeling good. She was walking back to her room.
Veronica - Which dorm?
RG - Venice Hall. You think she's alright?

9. Season One, "Weapons of Class Destruction"
"You set him up."

8. Season One, "Silence of the Lamb"
"Mac, I know this is hard to hear, but you did have a choice in all this. There's a reason this was kept a secret."

7. Season One, "An Echolls Family Christmas"
"And then, there's bachelor number three. And he's got it all. Motive. Access. Looks like an evildoer, smells like an evildoer…but surprisingly...not so much."

6. Season Two, "Nobody Puts Baby In A Corner"
Veronica - This is so neat and perfect and Rodney's is the neatest of the samples and it still doesn't even come close.
Duncan - What?
Veronica - This isn't little boy's writing.
Duncan - It has to be. Meg said-
Veronica - What if...she was covering?"

5. Season Three, "The Bitch Is Back"
Veronica - Where did you get the video of me?
Domonick - I don't know what you're talking about.
Veronica - Your pubescent snickering tells me differently.
Domonick - Someone sent it to me.
Veronica - You should tell me who. Or I can assume that it originated from you.
Domonick - You can assume whatever position you'd like.
Veronica - I'm thinking choke hold, you gasping for your last breath.
Domonick - Shh, shh, shh, sweetheart, sweetheart. You are so much hotter with the sound off.
Veronica - You'll really be better off giving me that name.

4. Season One, "A Trip To The Dentist"
"So, Carrie Bishop said that you and I were in bed together the night of Shelly Pomroy's party last year. Care to elaborate?"

3. Season Two, "Donut Run"
"Veronica, hey, I need to see you at home, A.S.A.P., kiddo. We need a little Daddy/daughter time."

Keith - It's not just your life you're gambling with, Veronica. I would not survive without you. You understand what you've done?
Veronica - We had to do it.
Keith - I know you think you did.
Veronica - We did.
Keith - (raising his voice) You played me, Veronica!
Veronica - I had to.
Keith - I love you. I'll always love you. But I don't know how I'll ever trust you again.

2. Season Two, "Not Pictured"
"Mac, it's Veronica, you have to get away from Beaver. Do whatever you have to do, but get away from him, he's dangerous. Call me when you hear this."

1. Season One, "Leave It To Beaver"
"If Lilly wanted to keep it a secret, I had an idea where she would've kept it."

Note: Doing this reminded me of what a big LoVe fan I was.
Screencap Credit: VC-Caps

co, :challenge21

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