10 things about JJ Abrams shows

Aug 19, 2010 10:58

Brain twins/triplets: snowweisz - sidewalk_doctor
Fandom: JJ Abrams TV shows
Topic: 10 things about JJ Abrams shows (I learned to love from jjverse)

Spoilers for Lost, Alias and Fringe

#10. Bradley Cooper, I knew you when

Sometime between our 4 phases, Bradley Cooper became a movie star. When did that happen, seriously? To a bunch of us nerds, playing JJVerse, Bradley Cooper was Will Tippin. Dorky, adorable, kinda dumb Will. While the rest of the internet was just discovering him, we knew him when.

#9. Agent Charlie Francis

I started to love him when JJVerse mourned his death. True story. I wasn't even caught up with the show and everyone was crying over him. By the time I watched the show I was so into Charlie. And I didn't even realize how much until he showed up in the season finale and I started squeeing. The things you did to me, JJVerse.

#8. The Symbols

Of course JJ shows are full of symbols. But how awesome was it to geek them out with a bunch of other nerds? People who got excited for the 108th comment, or who know how to count Lost style, who make Challenge 47 special? It was very awesome.

#7. The Fringe Credit Sequence

I came into JJVerse from Lost. A show with no credits and no theme song. And Fringe made me borderline jealous. Not just with their amazing credit sequence, but with their THEMED credit sequences.

#6. You can never go wrong with Alias

Alias has everything, ever. Mythology, romance, action, guns, mystery, tension, drama. I always loved it, but JJVerse reminded me why since day one.

#5. The Bffs of Fringe

The relationships and the characters of this show are so amazing. Everyone kinda loves each other. And coming in from Lost, where no one can be trusted, lol. Fringe's bffs came off very cool even before I caught up with the show.

#4. Jack Shephard

My reactions to Jack used to be either "meh" or "I hope he dies". And somewhere between season 6 and phase 3, I loved Jack. He did a 180 for me, I loved Jack. I converted. And he became the Team Oceanic captain and it was amazing. Ilu Captain Jears.

#3. Weird Fanon Ships

Granted, I shipped Alex/Boone even before JJVerse. But there was an openness and a freedom at JJVerse that didn't make anyone feel bad or intimidated for shipping something totally crazy. I mean, I may have contributed to it cause seriously, it was hard to get crazier than Aloone... But people felt at ease to love their weird ship who didn't meet and that was just so awesome.

#2. Boone stanning

No one's going to believe me when I say that a year ago, I only liked Boone. This rollercoaster of stanning Boone wasn't so on before JJVerse. But when you - and the too many Boone stans on your team - icon, wallpaper, picspam and even write essays on Boone, it was just waiting to happen that I was going to become this crazy Boone stan. #toomanyboonestans

#1. The Hot, the Cute and the Beautiful

There is something for everyone. You watch these shows separately and you know there are hot people in them, but then you get them all together and you're just... speechless.

Please don't hotlink or repost any of this. I'll post it on Tumblr myself.
Caps are either mine or from Home of the Nutty for Lost. From In a Dream Caps for Fringe, and from disparue.org for Alias.
ilu all jjverse <3

!modspams, .snowweisz, :challenge21

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