Challenge 17 Fives

Feb 07, 2010 22:57

5 Faces of Hugh Laurie

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:challenge17, ti

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captainmarveljt February 7 2010, 15:22:17 UTC
Awesome. I concur with xguardianangelx, best picspam evar.


captainmarveljt February 7 2010, 15:30:33 UTC
Dude, are you like.. from Singapore too? Haha that's cool!


tingthepro February 7 2010, 15:36:01 UTC
hi yes :D are you from singapore too that is cool haha i hardly find hugh laurie fans here, all my friends think he's old and stuff!


captainmarveljt February 7 2010, 15:40:11 UTC
haha yeah man I know what you mean :D
They think he's cool as House and all but that's about it. Glad to know there's more of us out there haha.


tingthepro February 7 2010, 15:41:26 UTC
yea i know right :D are you on the house_cuddy community?


captainmarveljt February 7 2010, 15:44:43 UTC
lol nah, I tend to stay away from the House fandom 'cause there are a lot of crazy people out there. Mainly just stick to the hugh communities etc.


tingthepro February 7 2010, 15:46:01 UTC
Hahah yea that's true but they moderate it on the community so it's really a lot better! I mean my friends page gets spammed and all, but I like it :D


captainmarveljt February 7 2010, 15:49:08 UTC
Ah okay, yeah that would definitely help then. Barely have time to check LJ properly nowadays though; taking my A Levels this year haha.


tingthepro February 7 2010, 15:49:58 UTC
ooh cool you're in jc2! my brother's in jc2 too haha, what jc are you in? im still sec4 hoho :D
i post almost every day heh lj is my life.


captainmarveljt February 7 2010, 15:51:44 UTC
ahaha, I'm in TPJC lol. What about your bro?

Whoaa O levels this year eh? I loved Sec4. Best school-year of my life haha.


tingthepro February 7 2010, 15:54:02 UTC
my brother's in RJC :)

haha and nope i don't take O's hahah cos i'm in RG, except chinese. i can't believe we have to take CHINESE, of all subjects. ): i love my sec4 class! haha i think that's the only good thing in my whole school life heh.


captainmarveljt February 7 2010, 15:57:47 UTC
Smaaart people, lol.

Hahaha. That's crazy.. making you take Chinese for Olevels. Doesn't make any sense.

Yeah, definitely. Everything else about Sec4 sucks but somehow there always seems to be this awesome bond in sec4 classes. Haha.

I gotta go to bed; long day tomorrow! Will reply you tomorrow :)



tingthepro February 7 2010, 16:00:09 UTC
hahah yea i know right i really hate chinese so bad i am SO HORRID at it ):

i love my class! some of my teachers are really epic haha like my english and ss teacher. we were asking our EL teacher about twitter and she was like, 'i don't tweet either. twitting is for birds.' hahah she is super funny! :D

yes the workload is the worst i had like five hours of sleep each night last week D: haha imma go to sleep now too after i finish my geog essay! goodnight :)


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