Something Different: Felicity/Noel

Oct 28, 2009 22:51

I thought picspamming Felicity would be good for this challenge for a few reasons. I got into this show waaay late. I started watching it via Netflix this year. The timing couldn't have been more perfect though because it's a show about college rather than high school drama. (I was getting a little tired of feeling old!) I found myself being able to relate to some of the storylines--especially the ones between Felicity & her father; their talks about life after college definitely hit home. But anywho, what really got me wanting to picspam this pairing in particular was the fact that all I've ever heard about before ever watching the series was Felicity/Ben. I wanted to do something different. I love these two and I feel like they don't get enough of the love that they deserve. SPOILER WARNING: IMAGES/QUOTES FROM THROUGHOUT THE SERIES!

Okay so.. I know that almost everyone and their mother out there loves Felicity/Ben. However, I'd take Noel over Ben any day of the week. I've got a thing for the nice guys/underdogs. I absolutely loved Noel from the very beginning. I'm not sure if I'd feel the same way if he was played by any other actor. Scott Foley is adorable! But anyway, because I watched this show so late (and none of my other friends were really into it) I honestly didn't know who Felicity would end up with in the series finale. Gotta say, I was pretty bummed. Those last few eps where she goes back in time and chooses Noel for a bit was nice though! But ultimately, pretty depressing, haha. I'm happy Felicity got what/who she wanted since high school.. but idk.. I just loved Noel's unconditional love for Felicity and I feel like he deserved her more. I could never FULLY love this show because Felicity/Noel didn't end up together.. but they still had their moments. Enjoy the spam!

NOEL: Ah. God. Sorry, I didn't mean to do that. Uh, Felicity, right? I'm Noel. I'm the R.A. I'm not a stalker. The resident advisor on the floor, room 729, at the end of the hall. Just, you know, stopping by to say, yo, and welcome and, uh...if there's anything you ever need, I'm kinda like the floor shrink. So just, uh, knock. Anytime, ok? Uh, and sorry about the scary part.

NOEL: OK, OK, OK. Here's my speech. This is the big speech from Noel. Uh... you mustn't leave this school. Why? Here's why. Because this is--this is a life struggle. This is fate, this is a challenge. If you turn away from this now, you will -- and I promise you this -- be confronted by the same issue five years from now. Or ten. All right? You'll be--you'll be the fancy doctor with--with the fancy practice. You'll be married... and you'll have like four phone lines in your home. And then, boom, it'll--it'll grip you like a blast of freezing cold air. You know, "what--what the hell is my life?" And you'll be able to trace it back to this instant. This--this very moment, when that geek R.A. gave you these four words of advice, "stay in New York, or perish". Five... six words.
FELICITY: Let me just, umm... I mean, you don't have feelings for me do you?
NOEL: Me? Honestly?
NOEL: Yeah. But if I could just give you one more bit of advice? Don't fundamentally disregard everything I've told you...just because of my affection for you.

FELICITY: (voiceover) I guess he looked cute that day. I don't really remember. Elena might have thought there was something going on between me and Noel. But I swear to God there was nothing! And you know why there was nothing because Noel are I were friends! New, really good friends. Which brings me back to where I started. I mean, all we were doing were sitting there -- playing Boggle.

FELICITY: Am I an embarrassment to you? I mean, is that what I am when your real life comes to town? Just like this idiot advisee on your floor.
NOEL: No of course not, listen--
FELICITY: I hate not being able to talk to you, you know that? It's like, one of the worst things, I can think of.
NOEL: Really?
FELICITY: Don't get flattered by that. That's not what that's about, ok? I mean, as far as I'm concerned, your beautiful symphony composing girlfriend can move to New York tomorrow. It doesn't bother me. And I'm not jealous, ok? I mean.. because even if I was, what difference does it make now because you and Hannah are like--

FELICITY: (voiceover) It turns out Noel left me this incredible letter. This is what he wrote: Dear Felicity, Although it's true it seems imposible. Nine months ago I didn't even know you. Now I can say with absolute certainty that there's no one on the planet that means more to me than you. Whatever happened with you and Ben. Whatever happens with you and anyone. It could never change the way I feel. So with that I conclude this sappy yet sincere letter and ask you to please seriously consider using the enclosed.

FELICITY: What is that?
NOEL: Uh, this is what you need. It's a break-up kit.
FELICITY: I've been trying to think of the best way to say this. And.. I don't think you know what it's like to know someone like you. Noel, what you did for me was--
NOEL: It wasn't a big deal. The break-up kit was, um.. it looks harder to make than it actually was, so.
FELICITY: It's not just that. It's everything. It's.. who you are, and who you are to me.
NOEL: Well, doesn't look like you're-you're going to be needing it.
FELICITY: No. Doesn't look like I am.
NOEL: .. that's good.
FELICITY: Noel, I don't know what I would do without you.
NOEL: I don't know what I'd do without you.

FELICITY: We can't T.P. the library!
NOEL: Why not?
FELICITY: Because that's stupid! Because I got caught breaking into the pool and I got in big trouble, if I get caught--
NOEL: Ahh! No, no, no, no, no. Look, I've been here for four years, for forty-eight months of my life. If I don't do something, just one thing, that's stupid and idiotic before I leave, and we gotta do it! Okay? The time is now!

FELICITY: I wanna tell him that I care about him. I wanna tell him that I wish he had more faith in our friendship because we’ve been through so much together. You know, Hannah and Eli and Ruby-We survived it all. We should be able to survive this, too. I’d tell him that I don’t know what my future is gonna be, but whatever it is, I’ve always thought Noel would be a part of it. I’d tell him that of all the friends I’ve made at college, he was the one I thought I’d have forever. I’d tell him that I counted on our friendship and that I want it back…and I hope he does, too. And then…I’d ask him to go get some ice cream.
FELICITY: What are you doing here?
NOEL: Uh, the Internet’s dead. My project was canceled. I guess it doesn’t.. apparently, it doesn’t matter anymore. What about you? I thought you were going camping?
FELICITY: No. Uh, Ben went to Kansas City for EMT training.
FELICITY: Do you wanna go get some ice cream?

-phone rings-
NOEL'S VOICE: Hey. It's me.
NOEL'S VOICE: What are you doing?
FELICITY: Nothing. (pause) Are you still there?
FELICITY: Did you have a nice night?
NOEL'S VOICE: All I could think about was you.
FELICITY: Yeah, me too. -knock at the door- Hold on a second, okay?
NOEL: I'm on hold.

.lovetheepacey, :challenge13

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