In 2009,
picseanenigma resolves to...
Eat more mel brooks.
Be nicer to faith_winged.
Give up singing.
Give some musicals to charity.
Apply for a new winter.
Become a better slash.
This is an example of resolutions that I'll never make because I can give up on anything but singing! Plus, I'm already am nice to you, aren't I Mandada? The rest are just plain silly. Why'd I want to eat Mel Brooks?
Went back to school today after missing Thursday and Friday and had a ton of things spring on me.
- Had to analyse and presnt The Divine Image by William Blake in front of the class after 40 mins of prep.
- Then I discovered that the fourth Economics Internal Assessment was due last Friday.
- And then I had my last practice Individual Oral Commentary squeezed in during lunch. At least I got to do it on Othello which is the only Shakespearean play I am fond of.
I ended up skipping most of Chemistry which was after lunch since I was so overwhelmed. Watched Char play Plants versus Zombies to kill time and spent the rest of the school day, which was double Chinese, fooling around since we were preparing for a debate and I'm just the host.
It surprises me to say this but right now, the only subject I am reasonably confident in is Chinese. I bet everyone who knew me before I came to SH will be sniggering in surprise. Yes Manda, I'm looking at you!
I see a load of Christmas gift-giving going on on LJ even though it's still mighty early. It's lovely how people are giving thngs to people they might have never even met face-to-face before, just cuz they are friends online. I don't even give gifts to people I know IRL, though that may be because my family is just not very westernized in that sense.
Still, you peeps who have all that gift giving and good cheer and tinselly jazz going on for you? Know that you are incredibly lucky and that I'm so insanely jealous of what you have.
Anyway, to my F-list, even if we never really talk because I fail at commenting on your entries, know that I do read them all and that I'm so glad to know each and everyone of you!
Big ♥ to you all! Merry Christmas!