ACFI 2023

Nov 12, 2023 17:30

Well there it was, the sixth iteration of ACFI. And one that I looked forward to as cons are something I'm trying to get used to attending again. I decided that I would split a room with a friend since we get along well enough. This is the first time I've attended ACFI since 2019, though I went to '22 for a few hours last year, that doesn't count to me since it wasn't the full experience.

I didn't take many photos this time around since I guess getting older and only now do I really want to balance out more relaxing during a con than to pack so much activity in the time I have. But this was the con of me coming back and just having fun. And not to mention supporting the charity for this year, the BeePawsitive Husky Rescue!

Thursday, the 12ᵗʰ

After a long ass day at work since hardly any of the teenagers felt like coming in at their usual time, I was off of work and headed home to eat pizza and Uber to the hotel to pick up my Sponsor registration and subsequent goodies. Upon doing this and a short romp around the lobby I ran into one of my social groups and we all sat around for an hour or two, we then all decided to head over to some hot wings type restaurant.

I accompanied, though I was still a bit full. I decided on ordering a nice little chocolate cake to top off my eating for the day. Though I'd only had a Coke and cake, the bill was $13. I was like, wow, fuck this place. But we all still had a good time even if it was a tourist trap. We all headed back to the hotel, and I Uber'd home.

Friday, the 13ᵗʰ

This con was to be a smash hit since on Saturday of the convention, the annular eclipse was to occur. But anyhow after putting in many hours at work and doing a great job at doing so, Friday had arrived and thus it was my time off requested given. My friend picked me up around 10am that morning, we then headed off to a McDonalds nearby the hotel to grab breakfast, which had a awesome view of the planes coming in for landing at San Antonio International Airport, super cool.

Anywho, We soon got that over with, we now went to the hotel, my friend parked his car in the porte cochere to check-in. I waited outside of the car since it would only be a minute or two. Then a disgruntled parking attendant came up to me giving me lip, thanks for making furries feel welcome, Mariott. He was mouthing off to me like this very short park would inconvenience the entire hotel, which it didn't.

Not even close. So I very condescendingly assure him it will be a short moment. I then go tell my friend the parking attendant is being an asshole. I should've informed the desk, he needs a break. My friend however had already finished checking-in, and we headed back to the car. Sure enough the PA is still steaming like a vegetable and no traffic was held up whatsoever.

All that aside, this is the basic function and acceptable amount of time for that. What a dumbass. I then call out to him "Never fear, the day is saved, all is well with the world!" lol After finding a very close parking spot we unloaded the car and headed up to the 5th floor room he'd arranged, it even had an awesome view of SAIA! I could even the see the planes as they landed and took off.

I could also track the flights with the Flight Radar 24 app. I had my UV-K5 radio with me programmed with the frequencies for SAIA. I got a real kick out of the old DEC era voice they use for their ATIS, Automated Terminal Information Service. I also had on old TV antenna that I soldered a BNC cable to so that my radio could get good signal and line of sight.

So we then split off to enjoy the con. Most of this con was just hanging out with my friends. I attended a room party and watched some cartoons and stuff with the guys. There was one guy who was there, not a acquaintance, who was talking about how there was a suspicious activity in the parking lot, such as a white truck with loads of antennas staked out.

And also apparently he and one other attendee of the con had their gas siphoned by local lowlifes in the area. Secondhand information, but still it fucking breaks my heart that we have this con, in this tiny hotel, and then visiting furs get it up the ass because of these social problems. Makes me miss the Wyndham so bad, but that place was pretty much out of business due to Wyndham's own fault.

Saturday, the 14ᵗʰ

This morning was nice lively morning and my friend and I went to Denny's for breakfast and some shopping around. He then expounded on the ride about his books he'd written and while generally interested I always find myself forgetting about these things. So here I leave that, to one day reread this and remember to buy some of them online.

It was around 11:30 that day that the Annular eclipse was occurring, and this was also an opportune time for the group photo and fursuit parade. I took a quick peak from the window. Man that shit hurt my eyes, definitely wouldn't do that again. Anywho, I saw a guy with a cool camera setup out in the parking lot, he was getting some killer shots of the eclipse.

I inquired about his setup and just generally admired it and complimented the guy. I noticed there was this van that was absolutely fucked up in the parking lot and made mention of it to the cameraman. He told me he actually spoke with the owner of the van, apparently the owner was from Ohio and got into a pretty minor t-bone style accident as soon as he'd gotten into Texas. Fucking Texas drivers... If you know, you know.

The con pretty much supplied the UV eyewear for everyone, I think. So this was a hell of an experience to behold since apparently our area hadn't seen one since the 1940's. It was a very insightful experience. Aside from all the vapeheads and smokers outside.

Honestly those people can blow smoke up each other's asses for all I care. I then went to the Dealer's Den to blow some money on t-shirts. Then some photoing around.

I also did the Eclipse lounge, or Sponser+ area, at some point, but man they had slim pickings there... Being a Sponser, I really did expect more. It was way more of a let down this year than in 2019.

Later that day, more socializing. I then went to Karaoke around 4pm, the highlight from this was some metalhead having three other dudes help him with vocals to some song from I think, the Halo OST. There was this one dude who was just jumping around and hollering getting into it, it was the most awkward but pure expression of excitement I'd ever seen.

This dude was having the time of his life and I was there for it. Unfortunately after asking around to see the sign-up sheet, apparently there wasn't one. In order to be a part of this one hour karaoke event, the only karaoke event the whole con, you needed to sign up weeks in advance. I was like, this isn't for me. I decided that a shower would be the best way to kill some time.

I would have done the GoH Dinner, but I decided against. Mark's Barks being a GoH was great, though I never did follow his work as closely as; Majira Strawberry (now known as just Kyle), Uncle Kage, et cetera. Then of course more relaxing and socializing that followed. Eventually we reach the After Dark events of which I attended one and met up with more friends. I also get a whole bunch of freebies, super nice and met a very cute fox there. I think I was smiling a bit much, though this guy was a cutie.

After this I went to go do some social drinking since one of the guys had this Bluey inspired beer he got in Sherman, Texas from 903 Brewers. And after getting a nice buzz, I went around the hotel feeling pretty good. Then headed off to bed without incident.

Sunday, the 15ᵗʰ

This was the morning of packing up since the hotel reservation was up at 11am. We packed up, he took me back to my house, I unloaded my stuff and we went back. That way we could just enjoy the rest of the con and go our separate ways. We then ate at the Mcd's again. My friend almost wiped out on the way out, he totally saved himself, but damn that shit was scary. Damn greasy wet floors.

We then headed back to the hotel to hang out with our friends for the last day of this experience. I went to hit the restroom nearby the Closing Ceremonies line. I was taking a piss at the urinal when some chick in a plaid shirt barged in screaming for her friend. I turned my head far back enough to see this unfold without accidentally exposing my cock and made eye contact. She smiled and then exited.

Most experience ever, but nothing traumatic, I think she expected to see cock, though. After that shitshow, I went into line at the appropriate time, Sponsors still had to wait to get in, though. It seemed they were running behind schedule. Eventually we did get in, and so did the rest of the attendees. I had an awkward seating, but I figured photos from there were better than to be directly seated in front of the panel area, the seating was very cramped.

A guy to the right of me, the piano guy from ACFI 2019, I have a video of that I should upload. Anyways, I had my hat with me I got from my house earlier but I put it on my lap since I didn't want to mess up anyone's view. This guy though, left his on, a nice hat with buffalo nickel studs, but yeah. And then Sherbert in all her kimono glory also somewhat blocked my view. I should have foreseen that this was a possibility, but I made it work.

Later during the CC, there is the charity auction which goes fairly mildly. But the last item, of which I forget what, but no one really goes for it. Until something very unexpected happened. A fursuiter offered her jingly bell from her collar. Then someone offered a belly rub, she was with child, and that helped to up the ante.

Then in the spirit of charity and giving, one person offered and bracelet, and soon, someone offered something else and so on. Until finally several items with the original were up for bid. It was a beautiful sight to behold, and eventually something around $1300 was the profit for all of it.

Ultimately, after some intense bidding after this item, the CC had gone over time by an hour and roughly a half. The estimate of the money raised from the charity auction was around $18,000 If I remember right. This doubled last year's proceeds! The BeePawsitive Husky Rescue owners were there, of course. They were overjoyed by the amount of money raised and were so very thankful that we could do that for them.

To be honest, I don't know what their expectations were, but the fandom delivered big time. And this is why I love this fandom and all the good it can do. After all this it was revealed that the theme for the next ACFI with be 1980's High School Prom Night. lmao so many Gen X'ers will be having a great time with that one.

It was when this wrapped up, everyone headed out. I happened to see a fox talking with Sherbert nearby and this was the owner of the van that got t-boned on the way to the con. I asked him, without acknowledging Sherbert too much, I heard that she's had lots of problems with people harassing her, I then offered a shoulder to cry on for this poor guy who was kind of already breaking down.

I was just there to be there for this person. I felt so bad since they lost a lot of DJ equipment and a computer I believe. I tried to offer as much assurance and comfort as I could. I emphasized that he should reach out to the fandom for support, we do not fail to deliver, and this was made quite evident. Real nice, guy. So after some time spent with him we went on our ways.

I stuck around the con around until evening, where the spirit of the con was still alive and going since the unofficial end is Dead Dog Dance, I thought about sticking around for it, but it was time for me to go home and rest. And do laundry, and then realize my friend stayed with one of my suitcases lol.

But all in all this was truly a con that showcased humanity. Why? Well, sure as hell all aspects of people in their best times and worst times all unified as a factor for good in a world where things aren't always so good. What helped to restore some of my faith in my fellow man? This convention. Because damn straight, no matter who we all were, just buying a pass, that's a contribution to the con which makes things happen and people happy. ACFI 2023, the con of giving.

Tragedies and shit summarized:

Gas siphoned from at least two vehicles
Guy who destroyed the restroom with unreal shit stink
Diaper furries who pissed off the hotel cleanup staff
Saw a dude who spilled a oil drum's worth of ice all over the lobby
Someone spray-painted OWO on a dumpster
Also saw some guy dressed as Azrael, the angel of Death. It was pretty cool.
Marks Barks got a crappy table pretty much out of the way.


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