Jan 01, 2022 20:35
I got some mild food poisoning, great way to start off the year. Getting all the bad shit out of the way now so that I can have a great time later. Thanks for being on top of the situation immune system!
Because seriously, food poisoning can kill. I'm glad my support net helped me out so immensely. I was so weak, I could barely do much of anything aside from going to the bathroom. I'm feeling better now, so I'm on the upswing! Looking forward to an early bedtime in my nice comfy bed. I really made my bedroom a nice relaxed atmosphere during the pandemic.
Everyone's bedroom should be a nice place to relax and be nonstressed. I removed a lot of loud and bright colored things away and put up nice ambient low watt lighting. More curtains, and some used rugs. Plus a small TV, and my Hi-Fi. Anyway, enough ranting, have a safe happy new year all!
observe and report,