Challenge accepted! Here are my random photos.

Nov 07, 2023 12:05

One of the apartments in our guesthouse. Currently closed as pesky bats keep getting in and we haven't been able to find their access point. Also needs some painting and the addition of new powerpoints on the wall.

I once read about a non-fiction book about an ambulance driver in Syria who had decided to start a shelter for all the cats abandoned or who lost their homes because of the war. This is the man and one of his rescues. I still haven't read it... but I will, one day.

My writing station in the guesthouse's breakfast area, during the pandemic. Sadly, this laptop went kaput one day and it was too expensive for me to get it fixed at the nearest Apple repair store (in São Paulo, nearly 3 hours away by car). So I switched to a PC desktop, which I now work from in the guesthouse's office.

The bonfire area outside the guesthouse's reception. A dead rattlesnake lies amidst the cigarette butts my mom used to throw there. My sister-in-law believed if we set fire to the rattlesnake's corpse, it would deter other rattlesnakes from showing up.

My lucky number and also the number of the last flat I lived in London, only for 5 months.

london, #photochallenge2023, pousada

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