Mars Attacks

Oct 26, 2006 20:15

You know how they came, and we all went "yay! let's be friends," and let go the birds, and the Martians went all simian-poo and killed the bejesus outta us? Then, we went "oops. No birds" and the Martians said "relax -- it was a misunderstanding" and went all simian-poo and killed the bejesus outta us? And the French said "ooh lah lah, tres boo boo" and the Martians said "terribly sorry. Don't run" and killed the bejesus outta us?

I feel like the moron hu-mans and the van is the Mar-tians. It worked great this noon. It worked great to drive to dinner. It overheated the second I left dinner.

I don't believe in prayer, but if any of you have a couple extra 20's to throw my way, or can get the infinite improbability drive to make the van happy long enough for the dealership to say "ok," I'd appreciate it.

And, it takes just over two hours to walk home from work.
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