Last days of the semester.
Yesterday, I taught my final two monday classes. Alas and alack, I forgot to do my usual feedback survey with my Monday morningers (which is a pity because they've been my favorite class this year!), but I did with my afternooners. Both classes I did Slang Of The Day on Euphamisms, which is always a great fun, and which I think is useful - I know I wish I'd learned them for chinese. I'll have to do this when I get back from Vaycayshun: make the euphamism chart fo Chinese, and ask people to fill it in with examples. I wanna to know!
Here, for the curious, is how I set it up:
[example word]
[example word]
[example word]
[example word]
for kids
[example word]
[example word]
and I had several categories of words.
Got two more classes today, then one each on Wed and Thurs. then: that's it!
I had had no plans especially for the pre-parents-arriving period, but, because China, things have changed. Apparently and delightfully, I am going to Weihai and Dalian!
I am esp. excited about Dalian - I've never been, but if you know China then you know that, when people suggest a visit to an indubitably beautiful seaside city, they suggest you go to Dalian. Man, kids,
it looks fantastic! I wanna be all up in those green hills, hiking around beside the sea! I am so very much looking forward to this!
Of course, the condition is: I have to finish all my gradings and submit them all before the semester finishes. IE, I have one single lonely week to finish all of my grades.
I can do it. I know I can. I was grading from 11-8 on Sunday (finished 3 classes of 5 assignments and 5 classes of 1 assignment) and from 4.30-10 yesterday (5 classes of 5 assignment). I have, right now, three classes of two assignments left, plus the final projects, and I feel confident I can get those done in time.
WHICH IS why I am, tonight, taking a grading-break and finishing the heck out of that Mona story.
I am bound and determined to get this thing finished, edited, out, and submitted before I leave for Weihai/Dalian/family-seeing. Why? Because that gives me a submission (a few - got other stories wanna resubmit) all await while I'm out and vaycayshuning, which means it'll feel like the replies come faster. (Pico knows how this goes, guys. Replies take forevs.)
So today, during the after-evening-class, I'mna scuttle on over to Catlike Life, hole up in a nice comfy corner, and write the shit out of that last scene.
(actually I'm prolly going to reread/edit/rewrite/revise my way through all previous scenes first, and then write the shit out of it, just so's I have a handle on the previous goings-on.)
(but you know what I mean.)
9.31. Gotta prep for 10.00 class! GO PICO GO. FLY LIKE THE WINNNNNDDDD