various variouses: stummick update, grading, dissatisfying writing, how to: introverts, & maybememe?

Jun 02, 2013 11:33

Since I realize I never updated about the gastroenteritis since I annouced I have it:

I feel better, guys :D It took me a week, but I feel miles better! For the first time ever I skipped a day of class - Monday, stayed home and slept and journaled and slept and graded journals and slept. But it was good, because I got better rapidly after that. I'm still carefully not eating too much, nor spicies, but I'm pretty much fully recovered now, and I hope to stay that way!


Classes were chill; we've swung into the final few lessons, the ones dedicated to working on the final projects. I'm going ot be fnished with my 15 lessons on the week of the 10th of June, but I might extend the deadline til the week of the 17, just to give the students a little more time to finish up. I'mma put the proposal to them this week. I think it'll be okay, since they've got a bunch of tests coming up, and I'm swinging into my final rounds of gradings.

Bleh, gradings. Here are whatI have to grade: (each "class" here equals ~30 papers (with a range of 29-38))

Last Journals - 4 classes
Story Assignment - 5 classes
Critque Assignment - 5 classes
Personal Statement - 5 classes
Public Speaking: quizzes: 3x 2 classes
Public Speaking: final speeches: 2 classes
Model Conf: homeworks: 3x 3 classes
Model Conf: final presentations: 3 classes

Yes indeedy, you counted right, those are indeed 870 individual assignments this one and wonderful Pico needs to grade, and that is not even counting the Final Projects for AW (150 moar). Add that to inputting and ratioing and this Pico is Le Tired.


1) I'mma ask friends to help me with this. They always do. I shall provide cookies and snackies and dinners and such.
2) I have a month til my parents come; I have a month. Calm le down, I have a month.
3) I am going to double-check the dept's grading standards, and if their standards are indeed not mine then I ain't fighting them, I'll jsut switch.*

*my standards: 5 assignments, 10% grade each, 50% of final; attendance and journals: 25%, final projects: 25%. Dept standards: attendance: 20%, homework: 40%, Final test: 40%.



I wrote, for the first time this week, a nmariside story that was not fully amazing and awesome and delightful to write. Instead it was just something I wrote. This is the first time that's ever happened in my writing-happy-place (IE nmariside), and I am disappointed and saddened. Banality does not belong in my happy place. I mean, I know there's normal everyday lives in that world, too. There's people who fail and people who have dull and boring existances, sure. But that's not whatI want to write about. I want to write about the pep, and the verve, and the weird, and the awesome. I can write even about the normalday stuff, but with pep and verve and optimism; I don't want to write everyday dullboring bleh. I don't want people to just exist day-to-day, I want them doing things.

I do not want the banale in my not-exactly-eden. So get out. Shoo. Shove off and find someone else to bother.


This is a cool post called How To Live With Introverts. I'm putting the image under a cut, too.

This is a fantastic little picture/explanation and I recommend it to everyone; I find it interesting because it's so Of Course to me, my family being the type for whom company is jsut as well expressed by reading in the same room as it is by walking and talking (or even: not talking). As my dad once put it: you don't ever have to apologize to a Swede for not talking.

(and yet I know there's people who live for being talky and boingboing. I - I guess?)

I think this is also why, while I love my brother, I can't live in the same house as him without minor/major consistent outbursts: his noise level is just naturally higher than mine, and when he is one one floor of the house, you can hear him.

I need quiet. not silence, but: birds. wind. outside-sounds, or a space around me of not-unpredictable-noise.


I see that historicula is doing the 30-Day Reading Meme, and I wanna to do this too.

Actually, I wanna to do a writing version.

It'll get me thinking about writing.

I shall consider how it might be altered into a writing format.



various variouses, pico why are you talking, thoughtflinging

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