in which pico shows you drawing links and blathers, duh

May 03, 2013 11:21

Look look this is the 2013th journal entry I have made on this jounral! O joy! O rapture! O bliss! I shall celebrate this much-momentous occasion a la grandly!

WITH A LINKSLIST -- duh -- persze -- look there's many different types of deer with fangs ain't that crazy -- like this or musk deer -- and water deer -- and muntjacs -- see -- also lookit this shit -- -- micromeryx are adorbs -- deinotherium aren't, though, and their skulls are just the creepiest things ever -- DA showed me this -- which led me to this
... and a bunch of other tuts on drawing that I'm not putting here because they're mostly mediocre or short - I'll only put the standouts below: (old favorite of mine!)

o gosh pico that is a lot of link what do you do sit in front of your computer all day?

...shut up, little rhetorical voice.

So, in other, related, and unsurprising news: I drew yesterday.

You guys remember 2010, that fateful year when I restarted Olinscarr? Well, right before that, I was drawing a NaNoManGo, because I had been going nuts with ideas and nothing had been working, bleh bleh. I realize now that I never really explained myself about it, due to my usual tendency to not talk about my stories because they're mine, my onlies, my preciouses, and so you guys don't know about it.

And so:

by your humble host, Pico

This mango originally started in basically the same way Olinscarr started: I am going nuts not being creative and so I wanna try stuff and let's see how it goes.

So I lay on the floor, listening to Kalaka's Varazsviragok and doodling.

I came up with characters almost immediately - names took longer. Plot sort of came as things happened, but, due to Pico Not Being An Artist By Nature, I needed plenty of figuring-out of how d oI draw these thingers in a not-doodle form. I printed out a few 25-expression memes and got two done; I drawed doodles and practiced drawing various animals. And I got some ideas of story, and storyboarded, and remembered five years previous, when I had ben drawing a manga in tenth grade with friends and I was the only one who actually drew anymuch. I had storyboarded then, too. But this time IT WAS SERIOUS.

In the end, that November, I did manage to draw 14 pages of story. I still feel pretty good about those pages - they's got their mistakes, but they's not bad, if I do say so myself, and I do, because my primary reason for this comic is that I enjoy it.

And I am! I put it aside for two years, though.

But the main characters kept popping up, whenever I doodled in the margins of my classplans or notebooks or grading or anything. Usually not with story attached, but to make acerbic little commentary ("this has got to be the most boring class ever" "what's this?"/"who cares?" etc). I guess this is normal. Anyway, I remembered the basics of the story, but didn't on it for a while.

And then, in recent days, when I've been reading a pile and a ton of webcomics, I rebegan thinking about my own. This is also normal - when I read cyberpunk I think about my own. When I read fantasy I think about my own. Human nature is to compare and contrast, and so I did. and thought.

Yesterday, I was bursting with ideas. I couldn't not do something. I tried to write - pssht, nope. So I drew.

(I feel pretty damn good about this drawing. It is a mile better than anything I drew when I first started this comic.)

I prefaced this one with sketches, ideas, thinkings I drew of different types of folk in my sketchbook. I figured out a lot about anatomies and such by simply drawing with my comptuer present and googling noses and such. And when Catlike Life (the cafe I was in) closed, I went and found anther cafe open longer, and stayed there til they closed, starting another page, too.

I've tried to script later story -- but it seems this'll go like my other stories, in a "pico you must linear" fashion. Except more forgiving - I can write the high points down without problem, because aiming a story in drawing is easier (???) than in writing, for some reason.

Dunno why.

Suffice it to say, this is my sort of weird-for-fun thing that I intend to keep up, like writing, long-term. It's a long story, but that's fine, because I can draw anytime. I don't need the perfect balance of thought I need for writing - I just need to calm myself down and get some refs and be able to draw. I like that - it gives me a break from the asdfghjkl; that writing can sometimes be, if you don't know what happens next.

So. It's like this:

+ I will draw, what I want, when I want, as a chill relaxing thing.

+ Remember last post? Still applies: whenever I get personal webspace (sometimes in the unkon future, whenever I need to have it), I'll be upping it there, because I ain't even going to try to make this into proper printy books and sell it.

+ due to the above two things: this is my chill comic. here I will draw whatever I wish. I have so many critters who are weird, and they go here because I want to. I'm not going to draw things I don't want to draw.

+ not tied to scheduel - draw when I want, stop when I want.

So this is good. :D

this is a fucking long post, art, why pico why, comics, drawing, ps: i'm a writer, let's do it!, pico makes a plan, pico goes blah blah blah, okay!, , pico shows you stuff

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