body gallery

Mar 17, 2012 23:08

Later, there will be an entry about how I am. (in short: fine now, just busier than I've ever been in my life, and coming out of Mood.) That is later. This is first:

You who think about body image, or you who are uncertain, or you who are writers and want to make characters, or you who want to compare and contrast so as to get a better idea of what is and isn't realistic:

You need to see this site.

It's a site where you click, on the side, height and weight (or pants/shirt/etc size), and it comes up with a gallery of women who are that height and weight. You get a good idea of body types, and a good idea of the range of different shapes people can be in at a certain weight.

The site is pleasantly non-judgemental, as far as I've found. And I think the fact that it's just pictures, numbers, and measures goes a lot further than "EW, THAT GURL NEEDS TO EAT A SANDWICH" or "GOSH LOOK IS THAT A BABY BUMP LOL" or "BMI SAYS YOU SHOULD BE (X) SO YOU'RE OBVIOUSLY FAT".

Suggestions on Pico's end:

- it would be really cool if there was a male equivalent, mostly for writing-research, and also for gender parity (although, yes, I do know that in the west the pressure on women's weight/bodies is exponentially higher than that on men's bodies)

- the apple, pear, banana, and hourglass are cute, but what about if it's not curves but muscle? I don't know where that would fit.

- the pictures are self-selecting, but I think that's unavoidable. they're also very Western - they don't have girls like I see over here very much (over here, women tend to be a lot less fatty but also a lot less muscular). Just a thought.

So: overall, good site, and I recommend it to you guys!

i'll just leave this here, audience participation, useful references, linky link

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