Sep 01, 2011 00:32
Typical Pico, sitting down with great intentions of working on her MUN syllabus and getting distracted for an hour and a quarter with Wikipedias of clouds, cloud formation, and atmospheric phenomena. (Arcus clouds! Cumulus congestus! Supercells! Noctilucent clouds viewed from the ISS! The Aurora viewed from the ISS. HOW IS THAT NOT COOL)
I find that the more I work the more I concentrate on things, the more my mind starts to swing toward writing, and consequently, the better I feel. This only goes to show that mental health and writing are connected for me, ie, my brain works funny. I don't know! I blame neurochemistry.
So! Right now I should be doing my MUN syllabus (and I will, don't worry, soon's this entry's done). So I'll respond later to you guyses' comments on the job post. But I'll say right now: there's lots of good stuff in there, and stuff I needed to hear.
Thanks, you guys.
(My job and salary and overall life here in China is good, and so in some ways I feel a bit selfish wanting something bigger/more engaging. (I'm not ungrateful. Really, I'm not.) On the other hand, it's just that: being engaged and into things. And if I can do that, why not do it?)
But today, at 3.45, the MUN class. I've figured outwhat I'll do (intro the class, have discussion what the UN is, show a what-is/does-the-UN PPT, assign countries, assign research-Homework, kész passz*.) I anticipate it going fine (the students are the same as my Tuesday class) if a little boring (I hate doing lectures/powerpoints; I'd rather have hte students moving around and talking and being interesting), but .... it's essentially a "this is how to MUN" course, so the boringness is unavoidable. (Let me explain that: it is not a speaking course (which would mean movment & talking) nor is it a we-will-learn-how-to course (which would mean developing skills). It is a five-week "this is how to, now we will add one credit to your grade" course. Which ... dang, yo, if that's the case I'm going to skip over the rules-and-procedural part and get to the meat.)
*"and that's it"
Anyway, I've had help from Dan on this, as well as emails from Gary and lots of research on me onesy. So I think it will go okay. (I have also been reassured that it is A-okay to have only 25-30 minutes of class material. I don't know if I'll go that short, but it reassures me that I can do an hour, rather than fill up 1.45 of just "let us read these slides and discuss these rules".)
So! That. MUN today, Debate tomorrow, and then the weekend. I will need to find something to do/someone to hang with in the weekend. Hmmm.
In the meantime, plan plan, and study. I need more words. More words. Dan said my Chinese is badass enough already. I responded, "well, sometimes it feels more bad, and sometimes it feels more ass."
SO STUDY. I translated a spam ad from my cellphone the other day. All sorts of useful words. Might translate a login page or cookbook recipe next.
pico makes a plan,
chinese: a language made of pictures,
pico's busy life!,
pico: professional procrastinatrix,
pico the teacher