Things a Pico Needs to Do Today:

May 01, 2011 21:36


-- Tuesday 8-9.45 class
-- -- focused reading portion 34/34 DONE YEAAHH
-- -- parts II, III, IV 34/34 DONE YEAAHH
-- -- total grades 34/34 DONE YEAAHH

-- Tuesday 10-11.45
-- -- focused reading portion 41/41DONE YEAAHH
-- -- parts II, III, IV 41/41 DONE YEAAHH
-- -- total grades 41/41DONE YEAAHH

-- Wednesday 10-11.45
-- -- speaking tests - 0/13

-- Thursday 8-9.45
-- -- speaking tests - 0/15

-- Thursday 10-11.45
-- -- speaking tests - 0/13


-- plan Tuesday's classes
-- -- go over test
-- -- moar on citation
-- -- write scriptplan DONE YEAAHH

-- plan rest of semester for Tuesday classes (Study Skills)
-- -- -- final project
-- -- -- moar on citation
-- -- -- model citation, paraphrasing, and the proper use of quotes
-- -- -- shorter research excercises?
-- -- -- break up the final project into sections
-- -- -- hammer on citation. Hammer it.

-- plan Wed/Thurs classes (advanced speaking)

-- organize papers


-- bank (after Labor Day)

-- sweep or mop

-- clean the dang kitchen DONE YEAAHH

-- put the balloons away

-- measure for rug

-- study Chinese
-- -- read either some 三国演义 or some 安徒生
-- -- read like you encourage your students to: first without dictionary, then with. See what you can pick up. (hint: I managed pretty okay w/o dictionary last go-round!)

-- yarn markt for red (cranberryish) and blue (late-eveningish)

-- drink tea, stay awake, don't nap, go to bed early

-- plotnplan a bit of bookstuff

-- put clothes away DONE YEAAHH

-- lunch n dinner who needs lunch anyway

-- clean desk DONE YEAAHH

-- more crochet squares 1 2 3

-- lollygag about DONE YEAAHH

PS: the internet, ILU for providing me with ready-made worksheets on plagiarism so I can go to bed at a decent time. illluuuuuuu

harbin, where did all these chores come from, pico's busy life!, daily schedule, pico the teacher

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