Mar 05, 2011 19:37
Feeling under the weather. Spent all yesterday blowing my nose, and thought it wise to buy some prophylactic cough drops, but they were not prophylactic enough. Popped an advil before bed, but still spent all night tossing and turning, and woke with a swelled lymph node, runny nose, raw throat that doesn't hurt, per se, just I don't want to eat anything. Sweaty, sneezy, cold, and everything smells. Chinese blankets need washing. All laundry needs washing. Bleghhhhhhhh
Frustratingly, I have a bunch appountment and a dinner appointment. Both I want to go to.
So: I am going to wait until the store opens, then go and buy
orange juice
good tea
honey for tea
and then I'm going to consume some of the above. Stay warm and so, then before brunch take a good shower and pop and advil. Brunch. Then come back and go to bed and sleep/sweat for the afternoon. Lessonplan if I'm awake. Then advil and then dinner. Then advil and then bed.
I do not want to miss class argh argh argh so I need to fight this thing today!
omg onoz,
not cool