a summary of the current life of Pico

Jan 24, 2011 00:22

So, in terms of Pico's Busy Life, this is what I am doing:


I have been nothinging. I have been spending altogether way too much time doing absolutely nothing of import, including but not limited to:

-- wandering the wasteful wilds of the internet
-- trawling TVTtropes
-- lurking vehemently
-- ignoring important emails
-- etc etc etc.

I think there is only one day this week when I did something (apart from Tues/Wed, when I went to the dentist), and that is Friday, when I finally made my lazy ass a list and fulfilled all parts and pieces of it, except for the longest task (cleaning my room) and the easiest (writing to my in-Beijing friend and taking her up on her offer to stay there a couple days omwt Harbin).

It always makes me feel bluh to be in this rut of procrastination. But I am also perfectly away that it is how I deal with stress. But I am also also perfectly aware that it is not the way I want to or should be dealing with stress. But I am also also also perfectly aware that I am using too many italics and alsos at this point need to damn do something in order ot shake myself out of that rut of not-doing or else that'll consume my last three weeks here and I shall wake up two days before leaving and realize OH WAIT. SHIT.


As you may have noticed by now, I have put nothing of any great import into this entry, and in fact the only good thing about it is the fountain of effervescent wit that is Pico, and also the picture of the guy spewing a rainbow. Thus, I shall continue in the grand tradition of this entry and ramble on about things that happen to be in my life or connected to it, because I have not made a True And Proper journal entry here in a while, and I know you guys have missed my fountain of effervescent etcetera.


I'm not certain if I ever told you guys on Ye Lande Offe Elle Jaye, but I GOT A JOB.

Hells to the yeah I got a job. I shall be teaching English in Harbin, China, and it is enormously amazing and awesome and I am hugely excited, to the point that I have been squeeing about it to everybody IRL and it only takes a few words ("oh really? so where are you going to work?") to start me bubbling (and by bubbling I mean frothing) out of sheer excitement. China! Pico! Pico! China! Teaching! English! China!


Because, you see, it is perfectly natural for a person to vacillate wildly between extremes at a life-changing event like this, and, as I believe I have mentioned in a previous post, I am doing so to the utmost reach of my ability. That is to say, I'm freakin out. A bit. Sometimes. Often. Not much. Whenever. Randomly. At unpredictable intervals, when faced by the idea that oh my god I am going to have to be a teacher.

But yes. I have that pretty much under control, except for the lovely fact of my tendency toward extreme and unrelenting procrastination in the face of stress. The bigger the stress, the more the procrastination. Thus, of course, my holing up in my room like a hobbit who has discovered the internet.

I'll stop, I swear. I can be productive anytime I want.


So yes, Harbin. As you may or may not know (from google, which I'm sure you will now consult), Harbin is the coldest damn city in the history of ever. Its summer temperatures tend toward the mid-seventies, and its winter temperatures range from -30C to -273C.

That is to say, I got me a winter jacket and am psyched.

I've been doing a lot of planning. When you're going 12,000 miles away from your home for at least two years into a country where howdamnever much you study still isn't enough and you are Blondie McWhite and thus going to be an Amazing Novelty Wow for the foreseeable future and also you will have no access to tarragon, you tend to plan. You plan lots. You put together lists and realize these lists are not extensive enough, and then you put together more lists, and then you research things on the internets, and then you waste fifteen hours following links, and then you eat lunch, and then you realize you should put together a list of what you need to put in your handbag, and then you realize it's 2AM.

This is how my days have been going, no lie.

But! I feel swell! That's a lie only part of the time. Viewed Vulcanly, I feel swell! Viewed Earthlingly, I am all over aaaugh half the time.


I think I have deviated enough from the point of this post. In summation:

-- I am going to Harbin.
-- I am getting ready.
-- I am making lists.


i'll just leave this here, pico why are you talking, pico the determinator, pico: professional procrastinatrix, pico the teacher, omg onoz, pico you are crazy, pico's busy life!

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