May 12, 2010 02:10
This is a post where I shall post what I am doing when on which essay and hwo far I've gotten so that I know I am actually making progress and not just assing my time away playing internet games.
2.09 - Film essay: 3para drafted. Chinatowns essay: outlined.
2.27 - Film essay: 4para drafted. One singlespaced page done, one and a half to go.
2.37 - Film essay: 4 long para drafted. Quarter done with second singlespaced page.
3.51 - 1hr 20min of internet games. -___-;;
4.09 - gave up on the film paper temporarily. moved on to the chinatowns paper (which, incidentally and of coruse, has nothing at all to do with Chinatowns).
4.18 - a game of Bejeweled. Now I'll get started on that paper.
5.09 - wrote a paragraph. (DENSE!) played a game of Bejeweled. Looked up Ming Dynasty Novels as an idea of a graduation gift. Emailed. BACK TO WRITING, PICO.
5.41 - one full page and a quarter on the Chinatowns essay: DONE. wanna play an internet game. afraid I might lose the thought-train if I do. Back to the grind!
5.57 - 1 and 2/3 pages done. bejeweled break.
7.01 - Borges break. Coffee refill break. talkies with friends break.
7.38 - back to the grind. -_______-
7.59 - 2 and 2/3 pg done. dense. painfully pretentious. big words where none are necessary. shakey from coffee. still gotta finish the film essay.
8.52 - a lot of internet games played. I just realized I have about 7 hours to finish both essays. Luckily I'm down to threeish more pages total, plus cleanup. So yeah. I can do this. (it's just ergh because my stomach's all churny, I'm hungry, and I'm not quite jittery but the coffee's making my brain fuzz. WHEE ALL-NIGHTERS :D)
10:41 - oh yeah this. well, called mom around 9.30. then napped til 9.57. then went out to the JC for something foody. found a reuben. came back. will now masticate and essayate.
11.23 - taking a break from the Chinatowns essay. Film class essay 1 and 1/3 pages. (that's near on three double-spaced!) reuben masticated with some reluctance, due to its dubious quality. I need something after it to get the taste out. Mangos will suffice nicely.
11.57 - Film Essay draft: finished!
1:26 - NOW.
2:03 - done drafting Chinatowns essay! YESSSS. (now to break, then edit.)
2:55 - break: break'd! 45-min nap. :) nice.
3:57 - Chinatowns paper: edited.
pico: professional procrastinatrix,
pointedly pointless