Apr 30, 2009 11:27

Whoa Nelly, lookit that! Another one-month absence! By George, Pico, how do you manage such regular LJ entries?

Well hm. In lieu of answering my own question, I'll just skip straight to the goods: wth has been going on in the Pico's life.


OH MAN I have been busy. Most of the time I'm either studying, and when I'm not studying, I'm socializing. Me! Social! WHODATHUNK. (Yes, I am kind of wtfing about it, too.)

Ummmmm classes. I am taking 16 credits, but I forgot to add in my Swedish class, and so basically, I was taking 6 classes and a lab this semester. :\ They were good, though! Therre is only one class that I didn't care for, and surprisingly it was not the math class. (no, hte math class was jsut boring and necessary for Gen Eds.) Naw, the one that frustrated me is Taiwanese Literature class.

I signed up for it think it would be a Chinese Literature class; it turned out to be exclusively Taiwanese. Not that that's a problem; the problem is that it was massively uninspiring, and the kind of class where you can write either a bullshit paper or a stellar paper, and both will get an A. Really? Yes. There is no thinky discussion - the only things we talk about are National Identity and The Subjugation of Minorities. But do we ever beat those to death! Yessirree.

(You know, this kind of teaching is why people think feminists are cray-cray. Because the teacher cannot let go the subject of subjegation, and isn't focusing on positives or changes at all.)

((Actually, this is what frustrated me about my term paper for this class. I proposed to write it about women's agency: you know, what a person is and isn't able to do. and seriously, I bring this proposal to my teacher and she's like, "oh! so you're going to write about the subjegation of women!" bleggggggggggh.))


ENOUH COMPLANING. Let's talk about hte class I enjoyed most: the class on the Fantastic Mode.

omg, it was omgamazing. The only thing that frustrated me was the difficulty of the teacher's grading - she holds high, high, high standards for her papers: is a big fan of specificity and precision and also doesn't like informal language - but aside from that, I was delighted with this class. Oh man.

Because it gave me a background in exactly the things that I am doing. Not only the current story, but also in fantasy and its development in general; also in the kinds of things that make writing good. The professor is not a writing-type, more a scholar-type, but her field of knowledge are so wide that she can pull in all kinds of amazing things from everywhere, and make her classes fascinating by that.


Finals week is NEXT WEEK omg. I do not even know how it crept up like this. But I've got all five of my finals stretched over three days, which seems to me to be a little bit jampacked together.

One final is a joke (and guess which! Hint: it starts with T- and ends with -aiwanese literature), but the other ones are all of decent to hard levels. Geology the teacher is amazing but her tests are precise and detailed; math I'll need to study the hell out of; chinese poetry I've got a lot of memorization to do; and then of course there is the fantastic class. Which I already know the final will killmeded for, so yeah.

Ummmmmm. Um?


Gosh, so much to talk about. I love that spring has come. This is probably an obvious fact to those of you who live in temperate areas - "yes, Pico, youre very clever, Spring comes after winter, good Pico" - but I'm serious! I'm thinking of the kind of weather I enjoyed had in china, and good lord. Spring there was basically where it got warmer. I mean, yes some leaves came out, but being in the middle of a smoggy city I managed to miss the fact until all the green stuff was covered in a healthy layer of smoke-dust.

Haha! Ew.

But so yes. Spring! Spring and I can wear short sleeves and skirts and all sorts of lovely things! Spring, and the flowers and leaves are coming out, and it smells fresh and green and polleny and flowerish! Spring, and I look out the classroom window and see green things instead of grey and brown!

And spring, and I have a story that is springy~! It starts around the equinox, then goes on from there; it's set in a this-looks-rather-like-virginia-eh setting (but with +50 folktale power), and so I get to put in what I see of what things green when, and all sorts of lovely nature things. I'm writing it outside, and so when it's nice weather I go out by the school pond and just type til my battery runs out, then go find an outlet and plug in and keep writing.

(And let me diverge to add a fact: there need to be more outdoors outlets and plugs in the sides of buildings, COME ON PEOPLE. It is very nice to type outside! It is not nice to have your happy fun time curtailed by hte fact that you're down to 5 minutes of power! :x )

Ssssssssssssssssssso. Story! Story is going happily and well, :) . Also, I spent an hour today fitting together a good big part of the worldsystem, and it's nice to know more about how this place operates.

I think it will end up a very different story than it started. More complicated; more explained and involved.

But that's okay. I like complicated.


Social life? YES I HAS. And it is kind of amazing, to be having people you really enjoy hanging out with right there around you, instead of far away over the internet machine. So consequently, I've been doing a great deal of that - if nothing else on a busy week, I go to a Pride meeting (LGBTQAetc) and hang out with people afterwards when they have dinner. Generally we have at least one movie night or Ike's run (going to the late-night diner on campus) per week, and jsut chill.

I swear, it'll be so weird, after I leave school, to hang out with mostly straight people again. I mean, holy shit. Within my school circle? Um - there's my Bagel, and ... and ... I think a couple others? I can think of one and a half. Haha! oh man.

Speaking of, the elections for Exec Board for Pride Alliance have jsut happened, and I've signed up for Historian; the votes get announced next week, but since there's only one person running for each office ... yeah, I'm likely that. Which will be fun! It's basically keeping records (papers, photos, flyers, etcs) for all kinds of events and what has happened, and also some creative stuff (helping in the office, etc.) I'm there often anyway, and go to the meetings, so I see no reason I shouldn't help out while I'm there.


Lalala. Can't think of anything else to say. This is kind of a long entry already, so I'll hang it up here, I think. Maybe talk more later. Now that I've got finals coming up, afterward I'll be more around!

this is a fucking long post, writing, classes, pico's busy life!

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