Pimp Post: Blood Alone

Jan 02, 2007 00:38

My general view on Vampire Love Stories - or vampire stories at all - tends to be one of "STFU, emobitches" with a side order of headpunching. I've never read Anne Rice. The film with Lestat left me unimpressed. I can't think of really any vampirebooks that I've read; I've managed, not without effort, to avoid 'em.

So! With an introduction like that, what else could follow but a pimp-post of what is, at heart, a vampire love story?

Blood Alone
Masayuki Takano

Blood Alone is the quiet story of a girl who happens to be a vampire, who lives with her boyfriend, an author. Of course, none of this is anywhere close to all about the characters, but it's a start, and it's what the first volume starts with, and it's what everything comes back to. Kuroe - the guy - lives partly off writing, partly off odd jobs; Misaki - the girl - lives with him, partly as friend, partly as girlfriend, though she'd never admit it.

And it sounds like it should be a weird relationship, and it's not. The two act naturally together: they're used to living with each other, they're used to each other's friends, they make room for each other. The chapters are either episodic - there's a forensics woman, Sainome, who's a friend, who provides short plots as needed - or small dramas - Kuroe gets a job of finding a cat, and Misaki helps him look; Misaki makes valentine chocolates for Kuroe and Sainome tells her about Kuroe's childhood. It's small, everydayish stories, and when plot comes along, it pushes things out of the way, yeah, but only momentarily.

I like Blood Alone. I don't do vampire stories - too ending up in emo - but this one's more than just that; the vampire bit's important, but not all-encompassing. And you can say the same about the romance bit of it: it's not everything in the story, and you're allowed to have a story instead of constant whinging and ♥ing.

Some Pictures:

Misaki and Kuroe looking at whatever that third panel is; a city, I think.

Misaki, playing the piano. She apparently does so quite well.

Cover of Volume Two.

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