(no subject)

Apr 30, 2007 04:02


I guess it's that time again... my life has just been so crazy lately, with school ending and finals and Ross graduating and etc etc... annd it's not going to get any less crazy, because I'm looking for another job and starting summer school pretty soon.

So basically... I just don't have as much time for LJ, and I really need to cut down my friends' list a bit.

You guys probably know the deal... just comment if you want to stay on my friends' list.

I will NOT be offended if you don't comment. I promise. The whole point of this is to scale back and make the list smaller. It's okay if you don't comment all of the time, I know we all have lives outside of LJ... But please don't ask to stay on my list if you don't (sometimes) read my entries/care about what I have to say.

Again, I won't be at all offended if you don't care to remain on my friends' list... if you really don't ever read my entries, or think I'm annoying, or don't care about anything I write... please just don't comment, haha. And for everyone else, just leave any sort of comment on this page, and I'll keep you on the list :0)

Thanks guys!
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