Nov 22, 2004 23:30
I'm not sure of who's going to be running one this year, but I know that the past couple I've seen haven't really included fan submissions. I was wondering if anyone would contribute to an advent a calendar I was thinking about posting at Submissions are welcome - songs, artwork, goodies, even tori-recipes... you know, the good stuff.
If you're also interested, I need someone to co-manage this thing. Ørjan and I are going away for our Christmas/Anniversary cruise on December 3rd - 7th, and since we'll be in Prague for our holidatys from December 23rd - 29th(I'll be leaving here on the 22nd because I live so far North... *grumbles FUCKING HEMNESBERGERT*) that's almost an entire week that I won't be here to update the calendar.
If you're interested in submitting goodies, or helping to manage this project, please leave a comment. OR if you'd like, email me at, or message me via yahoo with "corrosiveheart". If you'd prefer to aim me, my old username is still "pick up glass".
Thanks for your time everyone.
[x-posting this to corrosivheart as well] - yeah, if you didn't already know that I have another LJ account, what took you so long?
PS: Is anyone interested in maybe helping to create a layout? Right now I'm a little squeezed for time with everything I need to take care of around here.