(no subject)

Feb 21, 2010 00:59

So while everything else has been gone, I've been slowly making my way through Swords at Dawn, the last book in the Changeling line (I'm afraid I'm way behind on my reviews).  While it wasn't nearly as good as its companion Dancers in the Dusk, I did decide I wanted the rest of the line so forked out for the remaining four books.  Later on, I'll pay up for the Goblin Market ebook, and the various mini-sodes available on drivethrurpg.com (I would have done it now, but I'm feeling slightly low on funds after London and buying my mum a new computer).  All this reading keeps my mind thinking about how I would build a live game, so I thought I would start fleshing out the Bristol freehold.  Thanks to KismetRose for the structure.

Freehold name:  The Ivory TowerPopulation: Members: 90     Temp: Inception: 05/11/1940     Dissolution: N/A     Virtue: Prudence or Justice     Vice: Sloth Symbol(s) and Colors: No idea yet. Rulers: (placeholder names) Gathering Days: - Winter: Old Nighteyes, w/ Mr Smee (both beasts) All TBD - Spring:  Misfortune (Abigail Lee) (Muse)   - Summer: either Rothchilde or Lace (beast/draconic)   - Autumn: Lord Vance (Snowskin)  
Courts and Court Aspects: Winter - Nighteyes is thought to be the oldest changeling in the region, and Winter king as long as most remember.  However, of late he has withdrawn more and more, leaving his friend Mr Smee to deal with most day-to-day decisions.  The court seems to know a lot about what is happening, but rarely seems to act of its own accord.
Spring - The direction of the spring court varies depending on who is popular at the time - a powerful monarch hasn't reigned for years, and has left the court rudderless.  But why should they care?  Bristol seems to cater for and breed desires of every sort imaginable.
Summer - For years, the Summer court was ruled by the Stonebones Angelo, a puppet of the Winter King.  In a move that shook up the entire freehold, he was displaced by Rothchilde and Lace who hate each other as much as they love each other.  Each year there is a viscious duel between them to decide who will be king or queen.
Autumn - It's an open secret that Lord Vance has been running the show for years, and few dare cross him directly.  The whole freehold watches the conflict between Fear and Wrath and wonders whether Lord Vance has finally had his day.  Despite his lust for power, Lord Vance's strength is his deep knowledge of the Wyrd and the enemies of the hedge. Entitlements: The triumvirate of the Hallowed Garden (Autumn)  More TBD Member Services: Temporary Services: - Fake I.D.s, other papers - Information on the world - Accomodation - Fetch lookup - Sir/Lady Hilary (Powerful and enigmatic farwalker) - Place to stay - Cash (see below)
- General services - Cash

Freehold Pledge: I swear to protect and defend the seasonal courts and their members from the Fae and their allies. I promise never to aid those enemies. Fealty (-3), Vassalage (+3), Banishment (-3), Year and a Day (+3) [Provisional] Freehold Benefit: unknown at this point Freehold Commons Type:     Mortal:            Hedge Freehold Commons Location:  Varies (for now)
Freehold Reputation: The Ivory Tower has a mutually antagonistic reputation with Bath, and members of each freehold are banned from entering the domain of the other - the hatred is old and constantly renewed.  They have a wary alliance with the small, coastal tidepool freehold.  Outside of their immediate neighbours, Bristol is seen as a strong, thriving freehold with powerful individuals enhancing the overall reputation.  It's one of the largest in the country, and it has received warnings that this will draw the attention of the Fae.
Freehold Income: Individuals, or at least motleys, are expected to support themselves.  The Summer Court recently recinded the tithe in an act of rebellion against Lord Vance.
Freehold cover story: Historically, the Autumn court have led a cover of a (restricted) citizen's lobby.  The future of this is in doubt following the breaking of their alliance with Summer. Nearest Freeholds:Bath, Weston S-M (Tidepool);  various undefined freeholds in surrounding towns
Freehold secondary positions:

Event planner/seneschal: was Miss Weber (Autumn)
Tax collector: was Rob the Rot (Summer)
Security: rotating
Liaison (goblins): Anchovie (Autumn)
Liaison (mortals, usually law): Arthur Warren (Winter)
Liaison (internal): no idea
Provisioner: none as such
Pledgemaster: Gardener Richards (triumvirate)
Smith: static
Clean up crew:
Occultist/seer: Gardener Jones (triumvirate) 

changeling, design

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