Am I human?

Sep 21, 2009 20:15

So last Thursday I finished my dissertation.  Then I crashed.  Unfortunately it's not the whole story because I hadn't really finished it so much as got it into submittable form early.  There were still going to be final corrections and tweaks, and I still had to get it over to Aberystwyth.  Still, I had got to that point a week earlier than expected.  I had pushed myself fantastically hard to get that far and even on Friday I could barely think and write (although I could type;  curiously touch typing is so ingrained in me that I find it as easy as walking - easier in fact).  For complicated reasons I burned a lot of adrenalin on Friday trying to get some forms filled in (and failing) but all the adrenalin in my system meant I didn't get to sleep until Saturday.

So now it's Monday.  I'm not recovered, although I'm slightly more human.  Certainly, enough to come into the library to do some of the final work.  I finally read through the print-out of my dissertation and made lots of notes.  I spent the rest of the afternoon fixing all those places I made notes on (plus those of my proof-reader and my tutor).  I still have a couple of sections I want to expand, but they will depend on my energy tomorrow or Wednesday - that's the day I need to email it to the printers and binders.

THEN I have a week to get back some of the reserves so that I'm fit to work.  At the moment, I have to use adrenalin to get anything useful done at all which is hopeless if I want to work healthily.  Despite my plans about what I want to do when I'm "free", I really don't know how much energy I will have in practice.  However, for anyone not keeping track:

- I have 2 games that are almost through playtesting.  I have vague plans to go a con or two (GenCon UK?) to demo them to some company reps (it seem vaguely more likely to succeed than blindly emailing them, although that's an option too).  There are three more ideas in various stages of design.

- I have our festival and church websites which need a significant amount of rethinking/rebranding.  Not to mention my personal site, but it is really just a random collection of stuff at the moment.  Also considering doing something clever with the Rage database.

- I have two half-finished RPG reviews to wrap up, not to mention lots more books to read.  I also want to look at my reviews again, see if they are worth posting to .

- I want to visit people!  This also includes other 'social' activities like Magic drafts and going to the cinema.

- Oh, and since I'll virtually have my degree I'll also be looking at new jobs.  Let's hope the right ones turn up (again... I missed the recent slew of library jobs).

And completely to one side, Fuel Prices went up to 105.9p / litre beginning of last week.  Strange time for fuel prices to rise though.

academia, fuel prices

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