Dissertation time

Aug 24, 2009 19:37

I'm so never going to participate in Nanowrimo!

I went on holiday with a clean bill of health, but fairly exhausted (see last post).  Holiday was good - lots of rest, reading and exercise.  I stopped going to the Uni pool a few years ago* so I only really swim on holiday, and I did daily.  Not the longest swims ever, but it was good.  And I walked.  Unfortunately I never got the really fast walks that I was aiming for (cause:  holiday- and family-itis).  And towards the end of the holiday I became really tired, especially after I took some no.14 and a hypertonic saline nebuliser and proceeded to do physio for three hours.

A few days after I got back, and still feeling tired, I realised that my lungs were a lot worse than I realised.  I hastily took some no.10 (first time in a long time), did more physio and hypertonic saline.  Walking into work last Monday I realised that there was no way that I would have the energy to do my dissertation if I was in work, even with the amount of holiday I had available to me.  That day I asked for a month of unpaid leave which, combined with my remaining holiday**, would mean I didn't need to work until October.  Luckily I have a great boss and she arranged it with almost no hassle.

So Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday last week I spent each morning chilling, and each afternoon until 8ish in the University library, reading and typing away on a computer.  The first 30-50 minutes I probably spend prevaricating, and then it's pretty solid work until I go, with just a few odd breaks for Dilbert etc.  (I just cannot get that level of concentration at home!)  By Thursday, though, it was fairly clear that I was getting tired and slow, so I took a day or two off.  Four days later, I'm back...

There is no doubt in me by now that dissertation-writing takes a lot out of me, but I also have a nagging feeling that something else is up and I'm not sure what.  I'm taking either no.14 or no.10 daily now (first time in a while), I have doubled my steroids and I'm even doing my colomycin nebuliser each morning.  I only hope I can figure out what's going on before it causes too much grief.  If I have to work out a way of getting antibiotics into me, I would like take my sick leave in October when I get to miss Freshers Week!

* I thought it wasn't doing me much good.  In hindsight, I think I was just getting fed up and self-embarrassed at my lack of improvement (or even worsening).

** I've been rolling over 5 days of holiday leave since I joined the University (when I was young and bouncy enough not to need it) for a rainy day.  I've heard various weak protestations, but my plan has paid dividends since the rainy day has arrived.

Fuel prices : seem to have fluctuated between 102.9 and 103.9 p/litre

academia, cystic fibrosis, fuel prices

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