Woo! Driver's Ed is entertaining too!

May 29, 2004 23:29

Test #5 driversed.com

4. What is the best way to lose a tailgater?
  a. Increase a safe following distance

b. Turn on your emergency lights

c. Brake suddenly

d. Make a "one-finger salute"

I chose (d)...

From Section 5 driversed.com

If anyone is driving "too slow," "stubbornly," or becomes an obstacle in your way, try to understand why they can do this to you. Once you define their style (assign the label) or limitation, if any, you will feel much better and less angry. These motorists could be in a hurry, driving under stress, have lack of knowledge of the traffic laws, be daydreamers, or be raised in a barn. You'll feel even better if you refrain from making any gestures or verbalizing what you think about them.

Haha I feel sorry for those slow drivers who had to sleep with the goats and cows...
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